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s/l lin-holsing line?? Temporomandibular joint arthroscopy - Stumped

Posted: May 02, 2013

He says it numerous times throughout report, but I just cannot get it :(

Here is one of the sentences it is in:  ....20 mm anterior to the tragus and then 10 mm inferior to the s/l lin-holsing line. 

Thanks for any help.


Found this - Holmlund-Hellsing line - nm

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OMG! I've been searching and that has to be it!!! How did you find that? Thank you!! - Stumped

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I've been searching anatomy pictures online as I could not locate my anatomy book, been searching with google wildcards, onelook. Should have asked here an hour ago :)

I googled tmj surgery holsing line, which brought up Hellsing - Glad to help! nm

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