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regurg and infarct - MPV

Posted: May 22, 2012


D: Patient is having an ischemic cardiomyopathy and prior infarct.

 Q: do i have to expand it to "infarction" ??


same as

D:  There is severe tricuspid regurg.

verbatim or need to expand ??? 

Answers...SM - Old Anon

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Infarct is a legitimate word and can stand on its own. If the doctor said infarct, then that's what you should transcribe. As for regurg, it is considered slang or jargon, and I would expand it to regurgitation. Check your account specifics or ask you team lead what the policy is for slang. My specifics say to expand except in a few cases where the shorter term has become acceptable (like labs) and those terms are clearly outlined for me.

Regurg - BrandyH

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Varies by account specifics, but generally you would leave as-is in the body of a report and expand in diagnoses.

infarct and regurg - MPV

[ In Reply To ..]
huge thanks to Old Anon and BrandyH :)

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