Under s/l trachea control I excised the necrotic tissues and dorsum of her right hand, the right metacarpophalangeal joint as well as her right wrist. ...
and it spewed. It only dripped a little bit on the keyboard and I immediately cleaned it up, but obviously a drop or two got down into the shift key and now it is sticking and it is driving me bonkers. It's a new keyboard so I really don't want to have to pop out the key. Any other suggestions? ...
This is a vasectomy.
The (s/l toppif) ____ was then used to isolate the vas within the scrotal tissue and the vas was delivered through a 5-mm incision.
TIA ...
Has anyone heard of a mohorner ?
He is doing a left thyroid lobectomy and says: A mohorner was then utilized in order to create exposure with the midline strap muscles incised longitudinally.
The sentence is "There was some chondral debris in the suprapatellar pouch that we carefully evacuated with a shutter". Clearly sounds like shutter but I can't find this anywhere. ...
It's a pericardial drainage surgery report and doc says, "A Mali bolt/Malibolt was used to retract the peritoneum and preperitoneal fat." Definitely sounds like 3 syllables. Any suggestions? Thanks. ...
I am doing a Da Vinci robot assisted surgical procedure and it sounds like they are using a cartier (card-e-air) instrument...spelling anyone? Thanks!! ...
Patient has ankle sprain . . . dictation very clearly states "Coke" Mason splint was applied. I tried Coat / Coke and cannot document anything.
Thank you in advance! ...
Physician says what sounds like Surfak for this instrument, Using a medial portal, the _____ instrument was introduced into the medial compartment for synovectomy for chondroplasty of the medial compartment, ...