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hyphens in numbers - tired of this

Posted: Oct 16, 2009

Hi, I have been gigged for this no matter how I do it...I had one QA person that said it should be written   1- x 2-cm and the other one said it should be 1 x 2-cm (which I prefer)..Any experts out there?


If I were typing that, I would type it the second way. - akhan

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Thanks I'm not going crazy - tired of this

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door #1, door #2, or door #3, but not...door #4 ... hyphens... sm - flybye

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assumption: "1 x 2 cm" is a single unit of measure (SUOM) using the metric system

door #1: no hyphen if the SUOM occurs at the end of the sentence, "the lesion was 1 x 2 cm"

door #2: add one hyphen if the phrase occurs as a modifier before a noun, "a 1 x 2-cm mass"

door #3: if client is following BOS#3 do NOT add a hyphen as a modifier before the noun, "a 1 x 2 cm mass"

door #4: use of a a suspending hyphen for a related series in a SUOM ("1- x 2-cm") is incorrect and can cause confusion.

only exception would be if the metric system was different for each number in the SUOM, e.g. "a 9-mm x 2-cm mass"

personally, i use door #2; age-old grammar rules, technical writing styles, and ICD-9 coding trumps BOS#3 imho

your mileage may vary....

hyphens in numbers - France

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I hate this one too in the old days you didn't put hyphens just 3 x 3 cm. However, the in the BOS under "hyphens" it states it both ways, examples used in the book: 5 x 3 x 2-cm mass or 3- to 4-cm lesion (under adjectives)

According to the 3rd edition... - hma

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...of the BOS, it is now preferred NOT to use punctuation of any kind with metric abbreviations (this according to the International System of Measuring Units--SI method--and the Nat'l Institute for Science and Technology). Of course, this differs from BOS 2, which advocated the use of hyphens when numbers are used with words as compound modifiers (i.e., 5-cm incision, which would now be transcribed as "5 cm incision). I wish they'd stay consistent, because it just creates more confusion.

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