I hope there is somebody out there that can help me. Does the phrase
Half a pack a day smoker
Is there hyphenation in this or not. Like Half-a-pack?
Thank you !
Example: Patient has mild-to-moderate pain...I read a rule that this was acceptable, two compound adjectives. Will you please clarify this for me. Also, I was also taught many, many years ago that p.r.n. was only to be used in medication doses, etc., and not when a doctor says, will see the pt as needed....could you help with the rule of this as well. Thanks! ...
way to type this. "A 5 cm incision was made . . . ."
so is it 5 cm (with a space) or 5-cm (with a hypen). i guess what i am asking is when do or do not use the hypen with centimeters? I have heard conflicting stories.
thanking one and all in advance. ...
Patient has chronic infection around his tracheotomy site, but he dictates it as "chronic Staph infection peri tracheal site."
Should this be hyphenated? Smooshed together? Left seperated as above?
Thanks! ...
I have a question about whether or not I should use hyphens in the words up-to-date in this sentence, "She is not up-to-date on her screenings." My school was strict about when to and not to use hyphens in multi-word phrases, so I'm a little paranoid about how to manage these types of things in an actual job. ...
The sentence is: Patient is able to heel walk, toe walk, and do single foot toe raises. Or should
it be: Patient is able to heel-walk, toe-walk, and do single-foot-toe raises. Any help please?
Hi, I have been gigged for this no matter how I do it...I had one QA person that said it should be written 1- x 2-cm and the other one said it should be 1 x 2-cm (which I prefer)..Any experts out there?
Thanks ...
I have stumped myself by thinking too much about what is an adjective and when does a noun act like an adjective.
I'm very clear on something like short arm cast not being hyphanated (each word is a noun), but what about needle tip placement? Is there supposed to be a hyphen there?
Fluoroscopy was used to confrm needle tip placement OR
Fluoroscopy was used to confrm needle-tip placement.
I would appreciate some feedback about it. ...
There is a focus of superficial squamous cell carcinoma at the 7:30- and 9:00-o'clock position, as well as the 6:00 to 7:30 position. Of note, the 6:00 to 7:30 position was a focus of the deep margin. The skull vertex and bone margins were also positive at that time.
PATHOLOGY: Further peripheral skin biopsies located at 10:30 to 12:00; 9:00 to 10:30; 4:30 to 6:00; 3:00 to 4:30; 1:30 to 3:00; and12:00 to 1:30 were all negative for carcinoma. The 7:30 to 9:00 o' ...
Needing clarification on whether to hypenate non-tender and non-distended. I can't find anything in the BOS that addresses this specifically so any tips would be greatly appreciated.