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comma usage "..., and that..." - ww

Posted: Dec 02, 2010

Would I use a comma between the word "extent" and "that". I was always under the assumption if "that" follows "and" then I should not use a comma?


"The patient was nearly mute, but when I talked to him after about 5 minutes, he started to talk and answer questions to some extent and that he agreed for the need for an inpatient stay."

Comma - yogamum

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No comma is required.

Thanks so much yogamum. - ww

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Thanks for your help.

Some other changes are needed - LK

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No comma is needed after extent, but I don't believe the first part of the sentence is punctuated correctly and would punctuate it like this:

The patient was nearly mute, but when I talked to him, after about 5 minutes he started to talk and answer questions to some extent.. .

The way you have it punctuated in the example actually changes the meaning from what seems to be intended. I also think that the "that" needs to be removed; it just doesn't make any sense in the context of the sentence. When you take out the "that", you would then need a comma after "extent."

My take on it - SM

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The patient was nearly mute but, when I talked to him, after about 5 minutes...
I always thought it was done this way, because you could take out the "when I talked to him" and still have a complete sentence.

On second thought - LK

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True, but punctuation is still needed after "mute." In looking at this again, the second part of the sentence after mute can stand alone, so I think the correct punctuation after mute is acutally a semi colon:

The patient was nearly mute; but, when I talked to him, after about 5 minutes . . .

My take again - SM

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He started to talk, answer questions to some extent, and he agreed for the need for an inpatient stay. Of course, this is only if it is not a verbatim account, although I have never typed nonsense even with verbatim. It drives me crazy.

again - nan

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I also don't type nonsense with verbatim. Our job is to make the doctor sound good. If they want true verbatim, like you have to do in legal transcription, they would not like it. In legal, you have to put every "um", "uh", everytime the doctor says go back to such and such, you would have to type that too. I type my reports to make the doctor sound like he is not the stuttering, stammering, lousy dictator that he is (many of them). No matter who tells you it has to be verbatim, they don't know what they are talking about, and if they insist upon it, give them what they want and see what they say to that. Read the BOS on "verbatim." You are supposed to make the doctor sound good.

Yes, but more - - LK

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The tricky part is to do it without changing a bit of the meaning of what they are saying. That is where being a mind reader comes in handy, LOL! It really does require a lot of judgment. I have always worked verbatim accounts and try to be very careful what I change. If I can't figure out with 100% certainty what they're trying to say, I just leave the verbal garbage that spewed out of their mouth as is. Ultimately, they are responsible for their own sloppiness, not us.

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