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Which is correct? The abdomen is globose, globus or globous??? - MTsella
Posted: Feb 18, 2010xx
None of the above...sm - kip
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I would say globulous. :)
Nope. That would describe globules - globus is correct
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I respectfully disagree...sm - kip
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a. 1. Globular; spherical; orbicular.
Globular-resembling a globe. Globus is also correct, however.
Globose - dsauverwald
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Although the above poster is correct about what globulous means, the correct format is "globose abdomen".
Adj. 1. globose - having the shape of a sphere or ball; "a spherical object"; "nearly orbicular in shape"; "little globular houses like mud-wasp nests"
a. 1. Globular; spherical; orbicular.
Both definitions pertain to "orbicular". However, I have never heard of a doctor saying globulous, they say globose - If you go to http://www.thefreedictionary.com/globose you will see that this is the word that every dictator says. You can listen to the pronunciation of this word, and it is clearly the word that most, if not every, physician dictates.
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