Patient with a spinal cord stimulator in for wound check from battery replacement. She will follow up with another physician for s/l care and feeding of the stimulator. Thanks! ...
Sentence is: A Benson stimulator was then used to initiate a curvilinear capsulorrhexis, which was completed in a 360-degree manner with Utrata forceps. ...
grade 1 to 2 or 1-2 muscle tear? tia.
There is a focal hemorrhage in the central portion of the distal rectus femoris, consistent with the grade 1-2 muscle tear.
I'm having some trouble with this dictation...I think it must have been late in the day for this dr...this one was didn't make sense in many places where she'd use the wrong words, not finish a thought, dictate different med doses, etc. I've narrowed it down to 2 that I absolutely cannot get & I don't know if they are mistakes or not. The patient is being worked up for lumber pain, DDD, muscle weakness, and a positive ANA.
"The patient was having muscle ...
I can hardly understand this ortho resident.
Hx: Morbidly obese patient with severe osteo in both knees, failed steroid inj, next step Supartz. He is examining her legs and says that range of movement is restricted due to pain. He then goes on to say There is (s/l raising/racing/razing) of quadriceps muscle seen. She does have tenderness in her knees in both medial and patellofemoral joint lines.
Any ideas? I'm ready to buy this doc a plane ticket ...
I'm stumped on the name of this drug -- have looked it up in Google with every spelling I can think of with no luck.
The patient was prescribed s/l Celendec and Flexeril for muscle pain.
Lauren ...
We encouraged him to continue performing self-catheterization, as directed, to avoid further "ditchers" or muscle damage.
I can't hear strictures at all :/ ...
A new dictator to me is dictating an tracheostomy. He says, "Incision was carried down through the subcutaneous tissue and s/l platiso muscle using the Bovie." I have googled neck muscles. Maybe I'm not seeing the correct muscle group, but if someone know what this is, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.