A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Opinion about word board - vn

Posted: May 15, 2013

Just my opinion, but it seems that this word board has gone downhill in a big way. I have been in the business for over 25 years, the last several of which I have very much enjoyed participating on this board. Unfortunately, I very rarely do so anymore, as it seems that the participants are often rude, arrogant, and sometimes downright nasty to the posters. Everyone seems to be so hung up as to whether the poster is a student or "testing" - or maybe the poster didn't provide enough information with the question - I get it, but maybe everyone should just lighten up a bit - just sayin'. I, for one, am not having fun anymore on this site. I have to assume that many people feel as I do, as I have noticed much fewer posts/responses on a daily basis than there had been in the past - kind of a shame that some of the more "arrogant" MTs have scared people away; again, just my opinion.

No one wants - to be

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used by a cheater or someone too lazy to make any effort to provide enough information to enable an accurate response or just too lazy to make any effort to figure something out on their own.

There have been a lot of test cheaters and lazy MTs posting questions lately, so that is probably why you are seeing the perfectly understandable responses you find so distressing.

You are, of course, quite free to help them if you want. Most of us would rather not help someone cheat on a test.

I never said that I wanted to enable "cheaters" - SM - vn

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I simply feel that there may be an element of "paranoia," if you will, in terms of thinking that everyone is cheating - accusations made to MTs who have MANY years of experience (case in point the 40-year veteran from a few posts earlier). I think some people may be reluctant to ask questions anymore - that's all. I'm just saying that things have changed a great deal and I used to really enjoy being able to help people on this site. Now, even the MTs argue so much amongst themselves when responding to a post - seems everyone needs validation or something. This is just my opinion.

Please read - Moderator

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Students should not be requesting assistance of any kind with their educational materials. If you need help, go to your school and/or instructor. Do not post questions from your studies.

No one should be requesting assistance with testing of any kind - preemployment or education testing.

The integrity of finding the answers for yourself is something that we want to protect. Your research in these situations should NOT include asking others; it should include only your personal research and reason.

Please report any such violations and DO NOT POST ANSWERS OR REPLIES TO SUCH POSTS.

Thank you,


the reason I have become discouraged is - research

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the overwhelming number of obvious test/student questions. Even a 40-year veteran (IMHO) would know how to word a question with the appropriate context to elicit informed educated guesses/responses. My participation on the WB has drastically been reduced by the recent student posts saying "well, I see other student questions being asked here..." displaying quite the perception of entitlement on his/her part. I don't even see newbies here asking for help. When someone appears to know how to ask a question, I attribute that to their maturity and associate that with a skill set consistent with some level of experience. When I see obvious student questions being asked, and that person does not get answered, and then student questions start appearing on the main board immediately after that, I think to myself that it is student question day on all the boards. If they can't get their answers, they just move to a different board thinking nobody notices.

For whatever the reason, when I get burnt out on helping questions on this board, I take a break.

I appreciate your honest explanation of your frustration - SM - vn

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I started to become discouraged a couple of years ago, so I don't participate much at all on the WB these days. Maybe I'm out of the loop in terms of the number of students posing questions. I guess it just wasn't as much of an issue until a couple of years ago. It's a shame that the students are taking such advantage because it used to be rewarding for me to actually help the MTs on the board - and it keeps the old brain working!

even a couple of months ago, a student said - research

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the instructor had told him/her about this site and encouraged him/her to ask for help here with their studies. You can only imagine my high regard for that instructor. It was on a day where the student questions were coming fast and furious, and that made me think there are other instructors "helping" their students in that way. If the easy way out is the new education format, there is absolutely no hope left for MT industry in the US except for a few of us old fogies.
Wow - that's disturbing... - vn
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There probably won't be many truly qualified MTs left before long.
Students should - Go to their instructors
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Too many cooks spoil the broth when one is first trying to learn MT, which is one reason I seriously do not answer student questions on here. Any school worth its salt (there aren't many, unfortunately) has instructors.

Even a new MT who had some sort of decent MT education knows that we can't just answer: "Medication, s/l blah-blah."

So, I don't really answer much here anymore. I also don't instruct anyone anymore on here to give the full sentence or at least a clue as to the content. I used to, because I wanted to help, but I was accused to being "rude." So, that was that.

Every now and then I see something with enough content and the proper way to ask, and I will give my answer if I can.

To students: We can spot a student question a mile away!
Yet you attacked me - for
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trying to tell you the same thing.

Now you're all horrified to learn that what I said was true.

I never "attacked" you... - vn
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...and I would have been more responsive to your reply had you not been so rude. I guess you've proven my original point to some degree - some MTs sure are rude!
I was not rude at all - my only crime
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was to disagree with you. Apparently in the world of rainbows and unicorns, it is rude not to agree with the princess, even if she is wrong.
someone needs a hug - vn
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hugs! - alterego
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This is why I stopped helping here as much - Golden Oldie

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I have mentored many new MTs over the years and still do. But, many of the questions on this word board nowadays are indeed from students seeking help with their "homework."

Many of the questions being asked here would not even come from a newly graduated MT, let alone an experienced one. Seriously, when you see someone asking whether it is normal EACs or EECs under the HEENT exam, that is obviously a homework question.

I love to help my fellow MTs with unfamiliar or confusing terms, but I have absolutely no interest in doing someone else's homework for them.

I may be the odd man out here... - sm

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but I don't necessarily think these are student questions. I think what we see here represents a certain degree of illiteracy in today's workforce.

agree with original post - tb

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I am a fairly new MT. I never asked questions online while I was a student. When I started working, my initial attempts at seeking assistance on this board were met with a barrage of negativity and degradation. I knew to provide the entire sentence with any other relevant context. Yes, some of my questions were newbie (but I *was* a newbie) and I was still learning how things worked. Some responses really ruined my day so I stayed away for a while. I'm back, and lately people have been nice, but I still see the negativity. I do completely understand not wanting to help students, but keeping one's tone professional instead of biting is common decency. If the person doesn't know enough to provide context, then don't ask them to supply the sentence. They should know that. But I still do not see a need to be nasty. There's too much negativity in this world, and perpetuating it here is highly unnecessary.

Thank you very much to everyone who answered my questions professionally. You are all truly outstanding.

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