My computer has in its programs section Stedman's and a drug index. The amount of memory taken up is sizeable, so I'm assuming the entire electronic book is contained in the file.
I'm certainly no computer genius and am afraid to attempt to open and launch these without knowing what steps to take.
Does anyone know how I would go about opening the file, creating a desktop shortcut and launching them? I'd love to be able to use them...if I could get to ...
HELP! MS Word is not recognizing Stedmans as my spell checker, so all med words are red underlined. I tried restoring my computer to prior week, and tried using an old version of Any help would be greatly appreciated! I use Smartype and that is fine, it's just my spell checker. It has apparently reverted to the spell checker that comes standard with Word. I have been using this computer and this setup f ...
I always had this through work, and now I need to buy my own. Are you allowed to borrow, or people share a license? I don't know how this works, I've never done it.
Is there another program similar to it, maybe a bit less in price?
I definitely do NOT want to spend $100 on it, let alone have to pay to renew any licensing or get upgrades every year. I'd really like to buy it once and be done with it, is that possible?
What happens if you ...
I'm considering updating my computer and presently have a Dorland's Medical Spellchecker Version 3.0. I'd actually like to use this if it will work but, if not, I'm wondering if the Stedman's 2007 will work with 2010. ...
Using Word 2007. Installed Stedmans Spellchecker 2010 . Test shows the speller is working. Upon spell checking document it does not allow me to add words to the dictionary. That option is grayed out.
I've followed instructions found online to correct this in Word but that does not solve the problem. I had EditScript downloaded to my PC , but have not used it yet. I wonder if EditScript disabled this feature in Word?
Can anyone recommend a good word book for occupational therapy and/or physical therapy terms? Things like contact guard (is it hyphenated or not), set up, and physical therapy equipment? I've got an Ortho word book with Rehab but it's about worthless for physical therapy and/or occupational therapy. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. ...
Can you look up mild chromic suture or myochromic suture. I believe it is mild chromic, but QA is telling me it is myochromic. Thanks for your help! ...
I am looking for a word book (electronic) for EEG words and sample reports. I have the complete Stedman series of word books (electronic) and they are very helpful, however i have yet to find a word book (electonic) of diagnostic studies such as EKGs, EEGs, ultrasounds, x-rays, all types of scans, etc., etc. If anyone knows of a web site or where I might find such an electronic word book I woud greatly apprecite it. I have sent an e-mail to AAMT web site and to LWW (for Stedman's Series) (W ...
I rarely get complete mouth extraction reports, and when I do they usually have the same instruments used in them, but I have a burr that I am not familiar with.
It sounds like crivet or cribet.
"Using a _____ burr and the Hall handpiece, all sharp edges of alveolar bone were then smoothed over, and..."
There is a hard K sound to it, definitely not just 'rivet' burr. Google wants to give me search results for 'crickett" but it is definitely not that.
If you have ...
I installed it and it acted like it installed successfully, but it is not working! I've tried to search my entire hard drive for the dictionary file so that I can manually add it to Word, but I'm stumped!!! I can find the folder on my C: drive that houses all the Stedman's Spellchecker files and such, but I do not know which one is the actual dictionary file.
Somebody please help me! ...
I have just used the Saunders Pharm Books for years and not the CD. I'd love some feedback if you have used the CD and how you like it or even what is your preference regarding drug books. Thanks! ...
Am transitioning from Rad to Acute care to "broaden" my hiring potential. Have 2-3 years experience with Acute care but it has been a few years. Would appreciate any input on the best reference book. Anybody have a favorite they find invaluable?
I am starting at a new company who requires us to provide our own word expanders and I want to get Shorthand. However, I'm having a hard time finding the official website for Shorthand to download/buy it. Can someone help? Thanks. ...
An S/L A-pad was placed in her shoe in the position to relieve the pressure on the metatarsal heads with fairly good relief on the right foot.
tia. ...
Here is the sentence
CT scan of the head demonstrated a minimally depressed communicated fracture of the left occipital "calvarium."
Spell check shows calvarium wrong. Stedmans neuro book doesnt have it..Google shows calvaria, which stedmans shows.. Which is correct please ...