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Format "minus two to three degrees of extension" - Newbie0809

Posted: Jul 22, 2010

Hi,  I just had this dictated:

"...minus two to three degrees of extension..."

My account is strict BOS 3.  I'm not sure how do transcribe it.

-2 to 3 degrees

-2 to -3 degrees

Help?  Thanks!

re - minus two to three degrees - curious

[ In Reply To ..]
I was interested in the answer to this so checked the BOS and didnt see this particular answer.

However, if you look at page 221 it has an example of how to write minus....but not sure how this will help....sorry.

The Way I See It - MT

[ In Reply To ..]
The way I see it is the dictator didn't say minus 2 to minus 3 degrees. I would feel safe typing -2 to 3 degrees--that's what he said, and I wouldn't assume anything else. It would be tough for them to mark you down on that one.

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