s/l maframamine 1 gram daily -- definitely s/l it starts with an M and is 'amamine' versus 'amine'
This is just in the medications list. The patient is an elderly female (age 85) with the following listed PMH:
Lung disease with bronchial spasms.
Spinal stenosis.
Chronic back pain.
Right leg melanoma, status post resection.
Cystocele. ...
She is status post a thyroidectomy, is being treated for a DVT with Coumadin, has migraine headaches and tremor. Med s/l basslid or vasslid??? I got nothin!!! Thanks so much! ...
Everytime I do a search, it comes back with a lot of responses that date back to a few years ago. I'm looking for newer responses and do not want to weed throught the old ones to find the new ones. How can I do this? Thank you in advance to anyone who answers. ...
Add that to the all caps and $2000 dangling carrot (oops bonus I mean) and what do ya got? DESPARATE. Oh, the up to 0.127 cpl thrown in too I guess in case one is not dazzled by the other fake info. Way to go Nuance! HA If you valued the employees you have (or had) you wouldn't be the situation you are. ...
I have just reached my 90 day evaluation period with a company but they are saying that I have not reached my 1000 line count per day and that they are putting me back to "part time" employee status because of it. I won't get any holiday pay accumulating now. What bugs me is that for a few weeks they didn't have any work available to me and they are including this time to average my line counts. I do well over 1000 lines per day when there is work. Also, they as ...
actually totally mingled together and Nuance employees will have other options as far as work available from Transcend accounts? Does anyone know or have they asked? I haven't gotten an exact definite answer from inquiries. ...
Is there is quick way to add commas between items in a list?
Of course, using Ctl K in front a word will change the punctuation, but it will also change a capitalized drug to lower case, and you will still have to get to the beginning of the next drug which will require 2 Ctl arrows and backspace.
Ctl arrow takes you to the beginning of the next word, but you will have to backspace to put in the comma.
Adding punctuation to lists is so time consuming! ...
Doc dictates 2 meds for pt - s/l "care-dih-pull all" and "pro-mid-per-all". Pt has BPH and Parkinson's. I thought carbidopa, but this doc is pretty clear usually and it definitely does not sound close. They both end in the "all" sound. Ideas? ...
One med is running together - s/l either acon, toprolol (? she means Toprol), or acontoprolol. Either way, I'm not able to come anywhere near to finding the one that s/l acon or akon.
The other s/l pro keratine XL. I can find something on the web called Pro Keratin XL, but not sure about it.
Thanks! ...
Hi, I'm transcribing a doctor's note that's describing the patient's allergies and how the patient has tried various OTC drugs, including 'pseudometafecin' but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to spell that correctly; I've tried all of the different variations that I can think of (sudometofecin, pseudometaphecin, etc.) and tried looking up 'allergy medications' and coming up with squat. I have a feeling I'm very close to how it may ...
I know we should type the sentence below as:
Advair 250/50 1 puff twice a day but to me, that looks like it could be confusing when the dosage and amount of med are so close together. I know we're not supposed to do it like this but this is what I type instead:
Advair 250/50 one puff twice a day.
Am I committing a horrible crime here?
First off, is "med" an appropriate abbreviation or if I need to expand it. Also, I'm having trouble with a few of the medications she's listing. The first one sounds like Serapril...I know there's Seroquel, and that's a possibility, but it really sounds like she's saying, "pril." Is there anything else that sounds like that? The next one s/l permecidene and the last one s/l kolite. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks so much! ...
I have a doctor that says his meds rather quickly, without pause.... He says this frequently and I truly do not know if it is 2 meds or one.... we have to separate our medications into numerical order. "Glucose and glucagon prn sliding scale insulin" Any help greatly appreciated. ...