She is dictating: A #4.0 Judkins left catheter was now advanced through the right femoral artery sheath. This was advanced through the ostium of the left coronary artery. Shouldnt this be left? ...
Am finding both spellings in different versions of Stedman's and Tessier. Anyone got a solid reference or know for a lead pipe certainty?
"I then passed an #18 French Councill-tip Foley over the Glidewire, into the meatus..." ...
I am new MT (sort of). I am doing a cardiac cath from an ESL with marbles in his mouth. This is a false positive stress test, and I am going nuts with one phrase. It is:
"The left anterior descending artery was large, 5 mm in diameter. (s/l tran sif ico) was mildly tortuous but no focal lesions."
I googled the phrase and found it, and was led to this site, but it is not here. Anybody have a clue on the (s/l trans sif ico)? ...
Sounds like "RBU 4 to 6-French guide catheter" or maybe "RBU4 6-French guide catheter"
Dictates it so fast I can't tell what is going on here.
TIA!!! ...
Hello, hoping someone can help. Perclose s/l ?otomy closure device? Anyone have any ideas? This is for a cardiac cath also ?tic aortic valve stenois? thanks!!! ...
Has anyone ever heard the initials PNK or TNK for cath procedure. Patient having multiple procedures done and all I know is that it is a thrombolytic agent. I have looked up both in the abbreviation site and find nothing for TNK (which sounds more like it), but PNK??? Any thoughts or ideas, some med I would assume but I have stumped on this one.
Thanks ...
The word sounds like theficants. The sentence is - We discussed the importance of a Port-A-Cath if she were to proceed with chemotherapy since the regimen contains multiple ____.
S/l theficant, thuficant, deficants. Found toxicants, but doesn't sound like that.
Any help is appreciated.
mt ...
Has there ever been a determination made as to the correct use of Perma-Cath versus PermCath? Both are on Tessier's Surgical Word Book. When to use which? ...
Weird - I typed Perm-A-Cath both in the title and body of the report; however, the spell check only caught the one in the body, and insisted I change it to PermCath.....
Maybe my spell check won't catch caps....
PS - I'm going to change it in the title just to cover myself....thanks! ...
No mitral regurgitation. The R-R interval is 102 milliseconds. s/l Polintative ventriculography. There is mild anterolateral hypokinesis, otherwise the left ventricular appears to contract at normal coordinated fashion. ...
We encouraged him to continue performing self-catheterization, as directed, to avoid further "ditchers" or muscle damage.
I can't hear strictures at all :/ ...