Laboratory work showed an EKG with sinus tachycardia, 15.7 white count, and hemoglobin 17.8. Can somebody tell me if this is punctuated right? ...
It s/l red pleural but could be one word together. Does this make sense?
"Abdominal CT only demonstrated a large calcium red pleural collection again consistent with her history of tuberculosis."
Thanks! ...
The doctor dictates: Lumbar puncture was performed and the CSF showed cryptococcal trough 1:512. "India ink pains were positive" Has anyone ever heard of this? If so what does "India ink" pains mean? ...
This sentence is under the abdominal exam section..." lipoatrophy or subcutaneous hemorrhage. Abdominal (s/l asphia) not present nor with obvious organomegaly..." I have no idea what this word could be. Please help! ...
Multiple gray-scale and color flow images of the __________ were performed
The __________ appears slightly prominent with a length of approximately 2 cm.
Sounds like she is saying "pillars".
HUH???? ...
Hey, need help! I have been working on this 20 minute report for a long time, all kinds of abdominal procedure. He says this word over and over, and I cannot find out what it is. One sample is "we carried this dissection up the greater curvature towards the base of the left s/l kruse, dividing the gastrosplenic attatchements."
I hope someone can help! ...
Percutaneous gastrostomy procedure, same word used twice:
"A good light reflex was noted on the anterior abdominal wall. A 1:1 (S/L boh-lowt-ment) was directly visualized."
and again
"A transverse incision slightly to the left of midline was made where a good 1:1 *** was visualized."
I know they use ballottement in obstetrics, and it sounds similar to that, but more like boh-lowt-ment.
Also the 1:1 is dictated "one to one" I am assuming it is typed as above, but not sure since I ...
Does anyone know what this could be?
S/l per-per-di-cal
A 7.6 x 15.2 cm sheet of Sepramesh was marked on its absorbable surface with multiple interrupted 0 Vicryl sutures and pre-hydrated (___).
thanks ...
dr doing a laparoscopic cholecystectomy and cant use his normal incision site because the patient had an un-sy-fee lower abdominal incision so he has to put his ports in another place. Non-ESL, very clear. I am sure this is an abbreviation for something or some kind of nickname, but cant come up with anything. Any ideas...TIA. ...
Doctor is on physical exam. She is dictating the abdominal exam and says, "She is tender in left upper quadrant, left midquadrant. No guarding or rebount. There is is s/l bobo rigely and no rushes. ...