A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Transcription Pedals - Lynn
Posted: Jul 29, 2010
I am new to the medical trancription world. What pedal is the best product to invest in? Wavpedal? Infinity?
foot pedal - the best
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Sometimes it depends on the company you work for. My job just sent me a foot pedal so maybe yours will too.
The Infinity IN-USB seems to be one of the most used.
sometimes it dependes on the account - for example - anon
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I have an Infinity IN-USB which works with most digital files. But some accounts are Dictaphone and will only work with a Dictaphone footpedal USB with adaptor. And there is the Infinity IN-DVI for DVI accounts.
You really need to ask some questions of your employer before purchasing. Most will supply one or tell you where to get them and what type you need.
Does anyone else have issues with the DVI-INF foot pedals using the USB adapter? I can push the pedal and nothing happens. The file will not play. It often will to the 1 second step-back, but does not play after that. So, I'm here pressing the pedal 4-5 times getting it stepped back 4-5 seconds before it'll finally play. It's driving me crazy! I'd like to know if this is a common problem with this pedal/system or if it's just me having ...
May have to switch jobs soon and get some more equipment (bugger). What is the difference between a WAV pedal and something like Infinity? Are they interchangeable, one better than the other, etc? Is there anything universal (I'm thinking probably not).
Any help or advice would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance. ...
Hi guys: I have an Infinity (IN-USB-1) foot pedal. I was searching for a job for a company that ad says ( DVI Voice Wave foot pedal – must say IN-USB-DVI). Would the IN-USB-1 that I have work or would I need an adapter/new foot pedal)? Thanks in advance. ...
My particular little swallowed-up branch of Nuance is provided replacement foot pedals, specificially Infinity USB ones. I see some new employees need to have their own foot pedals. Amazing to me that Nuance provides anything, considering what they've taken away from us, but as per usual it comes with a catch.
My problem is usually these things last me at least a year or so, lately they have been breaking within months, and every single time I need to contact tech and go through this ridic ...
does most testing not work with your foot pedal? I have only taken 2 tests in the last 2 months that my foot pedal worked. All the rest, I had to struggle with F1 and such. It really slowed me down and I am sure affected my testing. Any help or advice out there? I did download the pedable program and checked to make sure my pedal was in working order.
Puzzled.... ...
I'm new to MT and am just looking to find any advice on which foot pedal you think is the best to buy and 1 or 2 reasons why you like it better over any other brands.I'm guessing not all foot pedals are compatible with all transcription software?I really have no clue on this stuff, just starting out.
Any info would be great, thanks all. ...
My USB foot pedal has gone out on me. Does anyone know where to get foot pedals cheap? I could look all over the web but that could take forever!
A friend told me about MooreDictation.com but I don't know if they are the cheapest.
Does $48.80 sound good for an IN-USB-2 ?
I use the Infinity USB 1 foot pedal with DQS and I am wondering what is the difference between the USB1 and 2. Is there a difference. This is being used with the DQS system. ...
Needing new pedal. Bytescribe's website says their pedal is compatible with most Infinity pedals. Does this mean I can use an Infinity pedal with my Bytescribe software that's already on my computer? TIA. ...
I have to buy another one for the other computer/other account, and am tired of switching this one pedal all the time. I'd like a light one if possible as this other work station is portable and I have to move it around somewhat. ...
I'm retired and have no idea what technology is still used for MT. Are the pedals and Dictaphones still sell-able (and for how much), or should I toss them? ...
Am I one of a few who still remain unhappy with this E-Beyond Text? So much minutia to create a report - book marks, numbering absolutely everything. Not to mention the numbering in VR is a nightmare to correct. A real time waster! Then there's the foot pedal that is slow as Christmas to advance or back up - what's with that? Aren't we paid on production? Too many obstacles to create a living wage! Top it off with unfair scores on FIESA that take an act of Congre ...
When I click on "Configure a USB footpedal" in inscribe, nothing happens, it doesn't launch to let me set it up, anyone deal with this before and know what to do??
Thanks! ...
Hi everyone! I feel like such a dunce! I'm in my 60s, thought how great it would be to do transcription from home. I transcribed everything from radiology to oncology, orthopedics, general surgery, doctor's visits, you name it. Then I became an EMT, then a nurse. Well, you get the general idea. Back then, your ONLY transcription gear was a dictaphone machine that played either mini cassettes or regular cassettes. I picked up the work, drove it ...
I would appreciate any input anyone may have on these 3 companies. I have tried to find out about them through their local BBB, but only Net Med Transcription has anything on it. Thanks. ...
Just trying to get info on both companies. Don't see much when I search. Anyone work for either of these and can give me more info would be appreaciated. ...
A legal contact was inquiring about the connection of medical mistakes related to off-shored transcription mistakes. I have told him to review these boards and hopefully he will benefit from the information here.
While he did not discuss the exact case, I think that he will be able to use the off-shore transcription issue to his client's benefit or at least highlight that the provider in question does not have as rigorous control on processing records as other pr ...
I have been offered a position with both. I have; however, in the past, had a position where the employer still owes me $6000. Does United pay and have the work? Does Nuance have enough work for me? I need full time work guaranteed income, like everyone else. Good luck to all out there! ...
Would someone explain to me how is that this company can legally pay us a lower rate for ASR compared to transcription? After they pushed ASR on me, (said that I wouldn't ever get a 50:50 ratio of ASR to transcription) I am getting mostly ASR work. My pay has dropped significantly. Can they do this? ...
I have an interview tomorrow morning with this company, and I was wondering how they are to work for (i.e. work load, pay on time, platform, etc.).
TIA!!! ...
Anyone have any information about P.R.N. Transcription? Got a reply on a resume I sent out and am wondering what type of company they are??? Good, bad, ugly? ...