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Recommend a recording device? - soofie

Posted: Oct 03, 2011

One of my clients is going digital (finally) and looking for a good dictation device. Can anyone recommend good ones and perhaps warn me what NOT to buy? Thanks in advance.

What about recording services? - link inside

[ In Reply To ..]
Try Toll Free dictation recording service. Google link below.

Why pay for a service? - SM

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Just be sure to buy a digital audio recorder that is capable of a USB connection for transferring audio files to the computer. They start at around 50 to 60 bucks at places like Office Depot.

Recommended Recording device - AngieGT

[ In Reply To ..]
Make sure that they don't get a consumer line, they are awful (for real dictation), they don't last very long either. The professional ones (like Philips 9500, 9600 & Olympus DS-5000) have a slide lever that makes it quick and easy for the dictators to move through the functions. Also, these models have the ability to stay in the same document while the dictators play back and editing. The consumer models don't, they create a new file each time you stop, listen and start recording again (very bad).

I got a detailed list of pros & cons from MooreDictation.com when I was looking for equipment like you. I just love how much help they gave me.

I hope this helps!

Great recording device advice - soofie

[ In Reply To ..]
Thanks AngieGT! My doc is still shopping around but the slide and file information is invaluable.
Anyone have opinion on Sony devices?

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