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recording of doc cheating - justanMT

Posted: Apr 24, 2012

I got a dictation which has incontrovertible audible and spoken evidence that the doctor who had the recorder is having an affair on his wife.  This makes me want to vomit.  Any ideas what to do?  I would really like to expose him somehow.  I still have the recording.       

wow.... - unbelievable.

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If you want your job, I would do nothing.

I would do nothing . . . - SoCal MT

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First of all, it's none of your business. Second, the "spoken evidence" may not be what it seems to be.

I had a dictation where the doctor finished the report, forgot to stop recording, and proceeded to "carry on" with his nurse. He said things like, "Come here, Darlin' . . . I think we came off as very professional, don't you? I don't think they had any idea." There was then what sounded like love-making . . . moans and groans included.

I mentioned to my boss what I heard. Thankfully, she didn't do anything, and what would she have done anyway? Some time after that, I found out that this particular doctor's nurse was his WIFE!!! Uh huh. So all their carrying on after the patient was gone was, if not professional, at least legal. He wasn't some cheating jerk. He was just messing around with his own wife. It was a private practice, so it wasn't even infringing on any company's time.

It was a good lesson in not assuming the worst . . .

Yes, your are just an MT. Outing him is not in your - job description. nm

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Depends on how bad you need your job! - JJ

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It depends on how bad you need your job?! :-)

And really, you don't know the situation. He and his wife could be separated, she could be cheating on him too, etc etc etc. Plus, as wrong as "cheating" may be, it is not illegal.

not your business, I would forget it. If you can't - then give it to your boss.

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and let her handle (forget) it.

You probably would get fired over this and you might lose the account for your boss. Besides do YOU really want to be the one to inflict this pain on some wife somewhere? or worse - little kids?

What if the wife knows and does not care, as in will never let go of the money and lifestyle. Maybe they have an agreement and they both f* around, you don't know these people. In which case you'd still lose your job, and the mtso might lose the account.

Not your place, keep your nose on your face and your head down. You'll get over it.

Your job is to create an accurate medical record, - no more no less. nm

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you should definitely leave this alone - ncmt

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Leave it alone... - blondie

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Just leave it alone. You don't know the doctor or his wife. It really doesn't concern you. Yes, it is disturbing and I know you probably wanna say some unkind things to him, but just do your job and let it go. You don't know all the circumstances.

Do? Do your job - wow

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Your job isn't the morality police. It's to transcribe a medical record.

That you even have to be told that makes my head spin.

I would do nothing. There would be consequences - if you were right, but - (sm)

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imagine the consequences if somehow you were wrong.

I know how knowledge like this can grate on your last nerve, but honestly? If he's having an affair, most likely his wife is already aware of it.


A few years ago I worked for a group of doctors - sm

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who were oncologists. One time my favorite physician to type for was talking to a new PA..The PA says why do you have the radio on in this room when you work on charts in here. The doctor replied.."So the patient in the next office can't hear us when we make fun of them." These were oncologists with patients with terminal diseases. I quit that day. I was thoroughly disgusted with him.

Affair - Simone

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With all due respect because I wouldn't want to know this either, but we are not morality police nor therapists. I agree with everyone that it really is not your business.

Oh no!! That is unspeakable. - blondie

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What comes around goes around. He might be the one sitting there with a terminal disease one day and the doctors in the next room making fun of him. Something to think about.

obviously - emo

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You've never worked in a medical environment. You'd be amazed at the things that are said and done - and are absolutely 1000% NECESSARY for the mental health and well-being of the caregivers.

Can you imagine working with death every day? Adding some levity may seem crass, but I've been there and it totally serves a purpose.
Nope, I haven't ..... - blondie
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Worked in a medical environment that is. I just cannot see making fun of and laughing at a terinally ill patient in another room. Karma is not fun and it happens...I know cause I've seen it. I wouldn't want the payback for that. I can see getting fustrated with patients and getting a lil aggravated with them BUT laughing no. If they weren't terminally ill okay that is different, but there are some lines you do not cross, and that is one of them in my book.

I can't imagine working with death everyday, and that is why I am not a doctor or nurse in oncology or doctor or nurse period. When you go into that specialty or line of work, what does one expect to encounter everyday? If they can't deal with their jobs without laughing at their patients who are dying then I think it's time to find another specialty or line of work.

God help a doctor or nurse who I heard laughing at my dying family member.
laughing - emo
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Your last sentence goes back to the OP. The doctor turns on the radio so that no one HEARS him. I've been at the bedside of more dying patients than I care to remember, and I remember the first time during a code when I heard the nurses laughing and talking about dinner and I wanted to scream- THIS DUDE IS DYING HERE! They took their job very seriously. They did everthing in their power to save patients, but the reality is, the job is stressful and sometimes laughing helps make it so you can come back the next day.

Same here. Wonder if it is the same - oncologist

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But also do agree with the person who attributed crass behavior to helping deal with the enormity of the suffering these docs and staff faced every day.

Which is worse -- his "crime" or YOURS? - Perspective

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What YOU want to do is a violation of confidentiality . . . the CLIENT has a right to privacy and confidentiality, too. It might not be coded in law, but it is there. It is a violation of professional ethics.

What you think you hear might not be the whole situation. Even if it is, you cannot presume to judge this person. You cannot know his reasons.

Why would this make you want to vomit? My guess is that you will say because you are a Christian. If so, you need to improve your knowledge of what Jesus taught. Tolerance and not judging others are two important concepts you seem to have missed. Look up the bit about removing the plank from your eye before accusing others.

Your response to this is inappropriate and verging on childish hysteria. It is NONE of your business on either a personal or professional level.

It is inappropriate to keep the recording. That alone should get you fired.

I cannot believe you even asked this!! It is - sm

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Drones aren't allowed to have principals... - xxx

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Didn't they tell you that in training?

True, you can't really report this to anyone as you don't have all the facts.

That having an affair is viewed with such nonchalance as some posters here have expressed is just more proof that society has lost its moral compass.

What if we heard a doctor - murdering somebody? ...

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And I don't mean just the English language. Not sure what I would do, but could be the basis for an exciting thriller.
Oh my - sm
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That's a BRILLIANT idea! Having left MT forEVER, I've been contemplating becoming a famous, in-demand author (LOL). Just couldn't think of anything original to write about, but this would be interesting to pursue.
That's a great idea! There are so many - sm
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eloquent MTs and coders on these boards; I'll bet more than a few have a good novel or two up their sleeves. I would LOVE to read that book!
oh but we did not. whole other story and making it sonething - it is not.
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Of course that one would to go the police. But that is not what she heard and way way off subject. Many imaginary scenarios, lets not go through them all. He did not break the law.

I agree - but it is crazy

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how we're not even present in their minds. My first job was at a teaching hospital and one of the residents used to dictate his reports while watching what I suspect was porn in the background, given the bumpa-bumpa music and the...ahem...sound effects. I wondered if I should say something to my supervisor but figured hey...as long as I can hear what he's dictating it's not my concern. Then one day he just wasn't at the facility anymore. Always wondered what happened to that guy.

Send it to QA - anonna

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Your job is to transcribe, I would ask QA what do, although from what I've experienced I imagine they would just forget about it. One time I heard a doctor dictating, he stopped and then apparently someone walked into the room wearing something he liked. You probably can imagine........

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