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WordPerfect? - Viva

Posted: Jul 28, 2010

I have MS Word, always have, never worked with WordPerfect. Now I see many ads requiring WordPerfect for transcription work.  Is it a hard system to learn? 


Ahh - the Blue screen - Not hard to learn

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I was the opposite of you -- Always worked with WordPerfect and had to switch to Word.

It's not a hard program to learn at all. It works the same as Word. You just have to get used to the function keys. It has autocorrect for shortcuts, my Shorthand worked with it, if I didn't want to use the Autocorrect, you can bold in it, center items, number lists, everything we can do in word.

Just learn your function keys for WordPerfect.

I miss using it.

WordPerfect - Viva

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