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My company uses Word 2007 with Enterprise Espress Editor. When we receive our documents in speech the physical exam is in a format where all the headers are one right under each other and we need to put it in a paragraph format.
This is an alert white male in no distress.
Blood pressure is 120/70. Heart rate is 68. Weight is 212 pounds.
NEUROLOGIC: The patient is alert and oriented x3. The patient's gait, strength and tone are normal.
NECK: Carotid upstrokes are brisk without bruits. No jugular venous distention. No thyromegaly or xanthelasma.
LUNGS: Clear.
CARDIAC: Reveals a regular rhythm. Heart sounds are normal. There is an S4. There is no S3. There is no significant murmur, lift or thrill.
EXTREMITIES: There is no edema, cyanosis or clubbing.
We have to go in and put it all together in a paragraph format without spacing. Is there an easy way of doing this without having to do each line separately?
I just used the find/replace function (Ctrl + H) in Word to seek out the ^p (for paragraph mark) and replace that with nothing. (You may also possibly need to replace with space/s rather than nothing, depending on how your text is actually set up, but I don't need to do that with my EditScript, only need to delete the paragraphs.)
You could make at least 2 macros, one for however many default paragraph replacements you want, maybe 8 to 10 or more times, and then another for a single replacement for when you get near the end of each report section since the times needed for the major repetitions will be inconsistent. (I use Ctrl + 6 and Ctrl + 7 as my command keys, but anything you have free would do.)
With the example you gave, if it's really double-spaced, looks like you'd actually want to replace/delete ^p a good 16 times or so, maybe. But if you use it for ROS too, like I do, then you might want one that does it a fewer number of times, or maybe make like 3 of them; e.g., 1 ^p deletion, 8 deletions, 16 deletions.
I'd suggest copying your above example right into Word before recording the macro, makes it easier to see what you're doing.