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Integra - John Doe

Posted: Jan 29, 2014

Anyone familiar with the Integra platform? I was hoping that I would be using EditScript, since Nuance makes the Dragon platform. 157 lph, 99% accuracy, with 60 days to meet production standards. And I've read some of the horror stories on FIESA. That said, I'm not looking for 18 years of job security, more like 18 months. For the past few months, I have been working for Acusis. Despite the horror stories regarding Indian-QA companies, they've been relatively good to me. That said, ever since Christmas, volumes at Acusis have been consistently low, since my primary account is split between 4 other vendors, and the backup account is their own platform with mind-numbingly difficult dictator. I now have to get up at 4:00 a.m., partly because I was told that volumes were a little more higher during early mornings (so far, only about a 100 line difference), and partly because I needed a work schedule that did not butt heads with my class schedule (I'm taking classes at ITT Tech). I HATE getting up that early, especially on Saturday, where I have an a.m. class that takes up half the day. Sleep is disrupted, and my study habits are negatively impacted. So I applied to Nuance, they offered me a full-time position (something I didn't expect) on a Probity/Integra account. I told them about my class schedule and they were willing to work around it (most MT companies would be less sympathetic). One of the reasons I applied there was because they are the company that make Dragon, I figure if I get in good with them now, maybe they'll remember me when I get my NSA degree and get an IT position with them. Plus, I figure there's probably a good chance that they'll eventually absorb Acusis anyway at some point. But a couple days ago, Acusis agreed to train me in a tertiary account. They have generally treated me well, and the last full-time position I was offered (Amphion) didn't pan out well (basically, Amphion made me sink tons of money into programs to ensure that my workstation was up to snuff, and once this process was complete, they pretty much tossed me aside like yesterday's garbage). But it would be foolish to turn down Nuance's offer, given the way the wind is blowing. Any MT position is ultimately going to be a placeholder until ITT's Career Advisors can find me something more tangible (they don't work with freshmen), but I don't want to burn any bridges. So basically, how tough is it to meet the FIESA standards on Integra (EditScript has always been the easiest platform for me)? How do I pick one company without alienating the other? How viable is Nuance for a student with clear plans to leave the MT industry in the next year or two anyway?

I work on the Probity/Integra account. - Percy

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As of today, it is still 100% straight typing. Did they say when it was going to voice? We don't have FIESA yet. We're transitioning from being an ok company with Probity to being all the horrible things you see from Nuance. The people who say negative things about Nuance, from what I have experienced, are spot on.

I had the awesome luck of finding myself working for Nuance after.....sm - LoveMT

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Transcend sold out to them. Most of my accounts had already transitioned over to VR prior to being sucked up by Nuance. However, IF your present accounts/platforms are still intact and straight typing, it is only because Nuance hasn't begun the process of moving everything over to one of their platforms. Our platform was "upgraded" to something fairly similar to our prior one, BUT many of the assets of the platform that made it very transcriptionist friendly weren't available on the "new upgraded" platform we were dropped into. I can tell you that I personally have seen my production decrease steadily ever since and every time they decide to "improve" the platform by trying to add back some of the tools that were so helpful to the MLS previously, it gets worse..basically because their "improvements" cannot compare to the previous platform no matter what they try to make us believe.

Eventually, your straight typing platform will be changed to something that Nuance wants it to be, and you will probably remain straight typing for maybe 4 weeks while you basically train their speech software. Then, they'll flip the switch and everything will go to speech wreck and you'll be editing. That is exactly what happened to us. Oh, they'll give you a small increase in your line rate for a very short period of time (I think it was 2 pay periods for us) to make up for the "learning curve" and decrease in your production....BUT 2 pay periods isn't near enough time to become so productive that you're paycheck stays pretty much the same as before. It's been nearly a year for me, and my production is STILL suffering, even though I'm on pretty much the same accounts I came in with.

All of the "changes" that are going to take place will start with the platform, then a few months later you'll be introduced to FIESA and if you're lucky you'll be audited within the U.S. (my QA is in India!). Then after several more months, you'll be having to go through getting set up for the company-wide email and instant messenger. So many different passwords for so many different things that we are "required" to do is a real pain in the rear and a huge waste of precious time. After all, time is money for us!

I could not in good conscience refer any MLS to Nuance knowing what I know now... I have put my escape plan in motion and am working on getting out of MT for good. I used to LOVE doing this, but after being sucked up by Nuance and everything that came with it, I have grown to hate having to do this job day after day. Almost 18 years I've have been an MT and NEVER have I dreaded having to sit at this computer and work...until Nuance...

Like Percy - Merilyn

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I'm also on Probity/Integra account and I've been waiting for them to start giving our accounts away to Nuance people. Great! So now it is only a matter of time before we get transitioned to Nuance's horrible program, I'm sure.

Probity was a nice place to work for. They seemed to actually appreciate our work and would often tell us so. Not since they sold out.

This tells me I need to get to finding new work, and FAST!

Thanks for stoking the fire under my bum.

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