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How can a doctor say "benign prostatic hypertension" ..... - HangingInThere

Posted: Mar 28, 2015

How can a doctor say "benign prostatic hypertension" but yet I am penalized for transcribing "on Doppler" because someone is claiming it was dictated "by Doppler". The standards of healthcare across the board have horribly declined if the word "on" is what they are choosing as a focal point. I mean really, which one constitutes a patient safety issue? As a a potential patient someday or having someone near and dear to me who may potentially be a patient someday, this is seriously concerning. If there is true concerned about patient safety, then all healthcare professionals would be scrutinized for real errors especially those who received almost a decade of higher education.

Points - SadMT

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It is completely nonsensical how this works.

Given how we are marked off for the most insignificant of errors, I really think we ought to have some bonus points tacked on for every doctor error we fix that positively impacts patient care. I know that will never happen, but it really should. I've toyed with the idea of keeping a log of these sorts of errors I'm fixing and sending it after about a month of keeping track. Again, I know nothing would come of it, but it would give me a bit of a thrill to point out just how much it happens.

Dictator misspeak - Disappointed

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I know, right ? I've got a hematologist/oncologist who consistently dictates the drug cisplatin as "cisplatinum" and that's in his area of specialty for cryin' out loud. I do like the idea of MTs getting extra "points" for correcting dictator's errors like these !

I think I type that oncologist too! - mm

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Cisplatinum is not incorrect ... - sm

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See the link below from the company that makes it.

I had that dictator this morning! - bj

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I thought I was losing my mind, even spending way too much time doing research, even though I know the correct name is cisplatin. I changed all of the instances of "cisplantinum," but I'm sure they will come back as errors for not typing as dictated.

Cisplatinum is NOT an error - Sheesh!

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They will come back as errors because THEY ARE ERRORS.

If he says cisplatinum, give him cisplatinum. IT IS NOT WRONG.

Please, google it if you don't know. Drugs have more than one name.

This is not his fault or your QA's fault. You are bringing this upon yourself.

sadly, it's a reflection - of the caliber

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Of person doing the penalizing, maybe someone who has not done MT or someone desperate to keep their job in middle management that they follow any direction without thinking.

Or maybe..... - HangingInThere

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Or maybe realizing the unethical nature of allowing those errors to slide while discipline is given for errors that do not have an impact. I completely understand that dictators are human and make errors and have difficult jobs and put in long hours. But some professionals should not be able to make errors while others are penalized. I guess ethics is a dying breed as well. Turning a blind eye for those who pay you as opposed to disciplining those who are on your payroll is unethical. An error is an error regardless of who makes it.

Neither has an impact on patient safety - sm

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Neither has an impact on patient safety. Physicians who read "prostatic" in this context will interpret it as what it should be. It is just a misspelling in a three-word diagnosis, after all. They are not so stupid that they will seriously think it is hypertension of the prostate. They - including the guy who said it - will just blame it on the MT.

The only thing that on/by affects is the SR engine, and that is why your company harps on it. Every time you do not type verbatim, it screws up the SR.

Before someone says it, neither could cause a coding error.

Harping - SadMT

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I wonder why they harp on it (reduce pay) so much for a straight typing account? No screwing up of the SR in that situation, yet it is harped on.

It seems like we get a lot of blame - anon

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It's easy to blame us, we're just nameless, faceless entities who have no way to speak up for ourselves. We listen to so many doctor errors day in and day out. We're not the ones who went to medical school, but we are expected to know expected lab values and drug dosages and so much more. But we're the ones making minimum wage and having our pay cut for not catching those errors.

Wow, what's up with all the dislikes of this post? - I completely agree with you

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Especially the part about the only reason the company seemingly cares about stupid like mistakes that DO NOT affect patient care is that you are messing up the SR. If they could really have it their way, they would ask us to type EXACTLY what the doctor says, NOT correcting tense, obvious he/she errors, incorrect medical words, and the like. THAT way the SR would really get trained fast and they could then try to get rid of all the MTs even sooner.

I've said it before and I'll say it again...PATIENT SAFETY MY A** !!!

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