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OAK Horizons Curriculum and Platform - Toni2760

Posted: Feb 02, 2010

Does anyone have any information on OAK Horizons online medical transcription school? Columbia State Community College (Tennessee) is listed on the AHDI approved provider list. Columbia State uses the curriculum and platform of OAK Horizons. Also, according to the AHDI website, "AHDI has partnered with OAK Horizons, Inc., to offer a number of specialty modules for continuing education credits."

From my research, it appears that MTec, Andrews School and Career Step are the "top three" schools but I am in need of a school that is on the WIA approved provider list in Tennessee. (WIA = Workforce Investment Act which assists with displaced workers among other things.) MTec has decided not to pursue WIA approval in Tennessee. I spoke with Glenda at Andrews School and she stated she would check on what it would take for them to become an approved provider in Tennessee; however, I am trying to research what options are available to me if Andrews is unable or unwilling to become a Tennessee provider.

I would appreciate any information anyone has on OAK Horizons.

Has whoever is advising you led you to believe - Ann

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that jobs in medical transcription will be plentiful and easy to get when you have finished your training? Does the program that is assisting you have some sort of guaranteed job placement or at least help you find a job?

If not, you might want to do more research on the future employment prospects for MTs before committing to studying for a career that might not have a job for you when you're ready to go to work.

Many experienced MTs are looking for work and it seems that few companies are hiring newly trained MTs. If you really need work as soon as you finish training, unless the program has a job placement guarantee, you might be better off studying something else like coding or billing or looking into one of the patient-care technician-type jobs, if your interest lies in the medical field.

Best of luck to you. I hope you are able to find training that will lead to a good job.

There's no such thing as a job placement "guarantee" - deb

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and I would run from any school that says that. Some are much better as far as helping with job placement, but anyone who guarantees to find you a job (other than hiring you themselves) is definitely not to be trusted. And definitely avoid Trans Am, in case you haven't already heard about them.

She's looking into some sort of taxpayer-funded program - Ann

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One would hope there would be some sort of job placement assistance or even an agreement with employers to hire graduates of the program. Otherwise, it would be a colossal waste of taxpayers' money to retrain people who have lost their jobs without any plan or program to place them in employment after they are trained.
Clarification - Toni2760
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I would not think that a school can "guarantee" an individual job placement no matter what type degree, diploma, certification, etc. the individual obtains. I do believe that certain schools provide a better education and students have varying ability for learning what the schools teach.

Many training options are available to displaced workers. It is my opinion that every individual has the responsibility to choose the field that they feel they would be most successful in as well as personally satisfied. Also, the person needs to consider the demographics of where they will want to obtain work. (Rural areas don't offer employment in the same fields as large cities.)

My personal situation is very different from the next person. Some would need employment which afforded them healthcare, full-time hours, retirement, etc. while others would not.

As far as it being taxpayers' money, I am one of those taxpayers. I will be 50 years old this month and have worked since I was 16 years old. Unfortunately, I lost my job of 12 years which I had planned to retire from thus am eligible for the WIA assistance. It is not something that I am taking lightly or making a decision about without a lot of research, soul searching and prayer. As a matter of fact, it is a very difficult decision to make and one that quite honestly I wish I didn't have to make. I jokingly say, "I'm trying to decide to do when I grow up!"

I have read this forum as well as the MT Chat and am aware of the changes in the MT field. I am currently trying to weigh all of the pros and cons as they relate to my personal situation.

Thanks for your input on this matter. I just wanted to share a little bit of my story with you all since I know many others have experienced similar situations.

Thank you for the clarification - Ann
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It was clear from your earlier post that you had lost your job and were seeking retraining so you could become employed again.

The point I was trying to make was that if tax money (yours, mine, and others') is being spent to retrain folks who have lost their jobs, then it would be sensible for the program that is paying for the training to be sure there were jobs for the program's clients once they were successfully retrained. Otherwise, it's just a program to put money into the pockets of the trainers and does not benefit the people who need the jobs.

I think training programs are an excellent use of my tax money, but I think the people being retrained deserve to know whether they are being retrained for a viable occupation and also whether the training they get will be sufficient to make them employable. I've never heard of the program you asked about, so I cannot comment on their reputation in the MT field or their track record in placing graduates. It is so difficult for new MTs to get a decent job now without a top-notch education, it would be a shame to put in all the effort to go through a program without some idea of whether you're going to be employable once you're done. These are questions you need to ask when choosing a program.

Good luck to you.
Assistance vs. Agreement - Big Difference
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There are all sorts of claims of agreements to hire, but think about it. No company can hire every graduate of any program unless they hire them for a few months and then dump them so they can keep their so-called agreement to hire all the graduates. I've seen people get hurt when they believe those kinds of claims. Job Placement Assistance is another thing entirely. If any school is worth its salt, it has companies that consider their graduates if and when they need them. They don't have a blanket promise to hire all of them. That would be irresponsible and in some states illegal.

Oak Horizons - itspooh2

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I got my training through Oak Horizons a few years ago and found it very good. I attempted Career Step before that and couldn't seem to get through it all (even after extending several times). Oak Horizons helped me find a job also. Keep in mind that Oak Horions is geared towards those that already have some experience so it is an accelerated course.

Toni2760 - Old MTSO

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The most important question to ask is whether they use the SUM program or not. That is key.

Thanks to Old MTSO! - Toni2760

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I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to my question!

To Toni - Old MTSO

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You are more than welcome. I hate to see newbies/young people get taken advantage of and suckered into things that will not be productive. For my money, I think Andrews is the best investment you can make. And no, I do not have now, nor have I ever had, any relationship to it whatsoever, except to see the quality of its grads and how they seem to get jobs very easily. The reason for that is that because the MTSO does not have to train or re-train them. They simply know their stuff.

Haven't heard of them at all... - Typin_away

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I have a grant with the office of vocational rehabilitation to attend MTEC. I hope you are able to get into Andrews since MTEC hasn't helped you.

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