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Job hunt - birdlady11

Posted: Aug 03, 2011

Recent CS Honors Graduate....

It seems that I cannot find work!  I really do not understand, but it seems that even though you have graduated with Honors that companies will not hire you without experience.  How are you to get experience if you are not hired?

Suggestions, anyone?

Thank you!

birdlady1 - Old Pro

[ In Reply To ..]
The hard fact is that MTSOs do not care if you graduated with honors. (I myself do think it is a worthy achievement that you have honors, and I congratuate you.) Potential employers do care if you trained with the SUM program, if wherever you trained had real, live instructors, etc. (as opposed to using answer keys, etc.). Those are the hiring facts of life. Have you tried getting your foot in the door by working for a doctor's office/clinic? Or applying at local hospitals within whatever radius you would be willing to drive? Some hospitals are bringing the work back in-house. One final thought: Doesn't your school have some sort of placement program? Good luck to you!

getting hired - mt2

[ In Reply To ..]
I echo OldPro's thoughts.

All schooling is not equal. I wish I could talk to all people contemplating taking an MT course because I'd let them know to make sure you choose a school that helps you find work, that uses the SUM program, that has real instructors, and that will actually make it so you can WORK as (not just study to be) an MT.

I would recommend that you try finding a local clinic or hospital and see if you can get your foot in the door. Your odds are better than finding something online at this time.

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