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Job hunt question - Sorry I am paranoid

Posted: Jul 14, 2011

Question:  I have been talking to a couple of companies and one I was talking to quite a bit.  This company asked me a few questions and I wrote back last night (we were writing back and forth a few times about the job and my resume, etc).  Now today I have heard absolutely nothing.  Should I be concerned?  I am always worried I have said the wrong thing when people seem really interested and then all of a sudden are MIA.  Should I wait until tomorrow to write back and see what is up?  It's like I don't want to nag, but I don't want to lose any interest they had in me.  I desperately need a job and I guess that is clouding my thinking.  Thanks for your help.  I definitely need it with job hunting etiquette.  :( 

"No reply" seems to be the modus operandi of - most MTSOs these days. (SM)

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Try not to take it personally, even though it is very, very WRONG of them to not get back to you. (They would be offended if you didn't get back them, now, wouldn't they?)

If you don't hear from them, chalk it up to them being losers you didn't want to work for anyway, and keep your search going. Even if you DO want to work for them, it's probably still wise to keep looking, since something better, that you weren't expecting to find, just might come along.

Don't worry - x

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Maybe the person you were chatting with yesterday isn't in the office today, or is extremely busy with other things. If you haven't heard back by tomorrow at 2, I'd call and ask to speak to that person. That'll give you a better feel than typed words on a page as to the direction they are going.

Good luck!!

Give them time to do their job. - sweetgirlsmom

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Just because you're talking to one company does not mean that they are talking to only one MT. They may have more than a hundred people who responded to an ad or applied at the website. They cannot review all of those applications overnight. You should not place a negative label on a company just because they take the time to evaluate carefully.

The recruiter probably screens the applicants and picks out those who qualify. Maybe they get forwarded to another department who does something and then are forwarded to another person for tentative approval. Maybe a different person gives final approval.

Depending on how many steps are involved in their hiring process and the number of applicants, screening can take a few weeks or months. Maybe they screen in advance and hire when other MTs leave, or when a new account begins. Many companies have multiple accounts. Many MTs have different types of experience. It can take time to match up the right person with the right position.

It is unrealistic to think that companies are at the MT's beck and call. You applied and answered their questions. They know you want the job. They will review your information and call you back if they wish to hire you. If they do call, you can accept the job, or decline if you have found something better. While you're waiting, you should continue to apply at other places. If they do not call back, they are not interested in hiring you.

Or maybe just not at that time. I've had two hospitals which called six months later, and I worked at one of those jobs for years. For my last job, I applied at several companies in a month. No one called for another month and then everyone called at once. My current job called back in a month and asked if I was still interested. I have transcribed for 32 years so lack of experience was not an issue.

But it can be an issue if an MT has only a few years of experience. That person may have to wait longer. Waiting is difficult but calling the company every few days will not speed up their procedures. If I was a recruiter, I would not appreciate someone breathing down my neck. I would think they do not follow instructions and do not have the patience to be an MT. I would not hire them.

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