A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Deleted. - glamorpuss

Posted: Sep 30, 2010


It is not the job of the hospital to train you. - lesson - family getting you in did not help you it

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Your family giving you the free pass just made things worse.

Take a brush up course, wait it out, or just plain ignore the e-mails and carry on as best you know how.

This is why family hiring family hardly ever works out to anyone's benefit.

It is not the hospital's job to train you to be an MT, only to give you the proper tools to do the trade you should already be trained to do.

People on this board will say go on-site because it does give you others to lean on but after a while the others get tired of explaining the same thing or get tired of having to stop to and listen. They just want to do their job and go home. The others you say that should be teaching you that are fellow MTs are not getting paid to train you; they are getting paid to work their own 8 hours. Why are you expecting them to train you????

Good luck to you! However, you need to take on some responsibility here and either take a refresher course or practice up on your own since you were given the free pass to begin with. Do you see now how cheating the system can certainly catch up with you in the end?

Assumptions - Glamorpuss

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Thanks for the assumptions made here. Family did not hire me, family told me about who was hiring and how to apply. Furthermore, my supervisor informed me that I WOULD be trained and those helping me were brought in-house, I was told, to DO that.

Very rude things said here. I probably won't come back to this forum. Thanks to the person who was actually helpful.

Most on-site employers - sm - Anonymous

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Most on-site employers give employees a 3-month probation period to learn the ropes and get up to speed. Some facilities won't let MTs work at home until they've worked on-site for a year, sometimes longer. What a cold-hearted bunch of co-workers you must have had when no one was willing to stop and listen or offer help. I've been with my current employer 17 years, many of us have been there much longer, we're all very experienced and knowledgable. We still help each other occasionally when someone doesn't understand a word or a formatting question comes up. No one ever knows it all, and that is one of the good things about being an MT. Needing to learn the daily operation of the department and the hospital specifics is not "cheating the system." Everyone wants to do their work and go home, but we work as a team, and yes we work on production. Try putting yourself in someone's else's place and remember how it was when you were new. School and the workplace are two entirely different things, and it takes time to become a good transcriptionist, I don't care what school a person attends. I personally don't think it's realistic to expect a new hire to come on site and know how to do it all in 2 weeks.

sorry - sm

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That's kinda rough to take, just getting out of high school. but this is a rough world, and tough job market. If this is what you want to succeed at, I suggest if the offer is open, that you DO work in house. Stay where you are if at all possible. It will not likely be easier anywhere else. There are learning modules, books, etc. Best thing IMO, is not to guess, but to flag anything questionable. Take the time to research blanks/terms you come across, not just the spelling, but the meaning, and make sure it fits the context. Actively pursue feedback. Make notes to yourself of reports with questions, and find a way to see the finished product, to see what the blanks turned out to be. Ideally, you'd be able to re-listen to the corrected report. If all else fails there, try for an medical office job transcribing, doing maybe a single specialty. Master that and progress from there. Good luck. E/m me if you wish. I've been doing this a long long time, almost before schools for MT emerged.

Thank you - Glamorpuss

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Thanks for your suggestions! I hadn't thought of finding a single specialty location. I appreciate your help here.

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