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what is going on.Really strange NO jobs - this early Monday Morn ?
Posted: Nov 05, 2012
what is going on?
I had 5 reports all weekend. A TCM gone. - Yikes!
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One job from 8AM, 11AM, 1PM, 3 PM, 5PM, 7PM, 10PM, midnight, 1AM-4AM Sunday into Monday. Just 1 job. I had 4 jobs all day Saturday and into the morning hours.
I have hardly any hours last week too. Something is going on.
Found out with the last manager layoffs, there are 4 TCMs and all are very superb with their jobs. Company got rid of 1 TCM last week and now we are down to 3 TSMs who seem to highly stressed out.
I was out of work a bunch last 2-3 weeks - LeonaG
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Getting tired of receiving such little pay. I'm only part-time anyway.
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