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do you really need 4 MB download internet speed? - recent buyout

Posted: Sep 14, 2011

The offer packet says we have to have 4 to 8 MB download speed. Do you really need that much speed? Living in the country, my average high-speed is 1.5 MB download and 0.54 upload. What I have works fine for me now, but will that be a problem working for MQ?

that is NOT the problem your gonna have - with the Q

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I know.. :( - recent buyout

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I read lots of NJA on here and other stuff, but I guess I'm hoping that at least for the time being I'll be able to stay on my current account for at least a few months without much of a cut in pay. I hope. Obviously I have reservations about this whole thing. :(

recent buyout - Former MT

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All I can say is, so sorry for your loss.... the loss of loving your job, the loss of pay you will receive, the loss of feeling valued....I had reservations too, felt (hoped) everyone on here complaining about the Q were slackers.... then the bad things started happening-4 months out, first pay cut, it was all downhill from there. Best of luck!

That's ridiculous. You don't need near that. - sm

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What you have is perfectly fine and you won't notice a thing. For years I had a little less than 1 mb/s download and 375 kb/s upload and never had a single problem. I can't believe they are asking for that type of speed. Totally unnecessary. I'm in the country also and just recently got 3 mb/s download and I've been at MQ for 10 years.

thank you - recent buyout

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thanks for answering my question.

WOW, ONLY 1 MB DOWNLOAD?? - I have up to 12

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The faster you download and upload your reports, the more $$$ you make. I can't imagine how slow 1 MB download would be. Before I switched ISP providers, I had 6 MB and the difference now is phenomenal!! To each his own but people complaining all the time about not making money. The speed of your computer and internet has a lot to do with your money making ability! IMO

I have what I have... - recent buyout

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it's not like I have a choice, I actually have DSL and cable broadband and they both give me this. It's called living in the country. It's not my CHOICE to have slow high-speed and I know if it was faster it equals more money, it's called doing the best with what you got!

I also have 1.5. - Everything is instant

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I don't know how much difference it would make. I don't need to wait for anything with my 1.5. I get all jobs the instant I upload the previous and database searches pop right up as soon as I hit the keys. I honestly can say that my fingers never stop moving between reports. I believe it to be more the speed of the computer itself than anything.

good to know - current buyout

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Thanks, that's good to know. I've never had a problem with my speed and working. I'm sure faster would be better, but that's the best speed available to me.

Internet Speed - MQR

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Internet Speed Test:
Check your equipment with this link...

that's where I tested it - recent buyout

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and both my so-called high-speeds gave me those low numbers, but I have no problem with them on the platforms I currently use.

Download speed - BH

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I did a test and it says download 1.25 MBPS. This is the speed of my computer now. I have AT&T HSI Express. How does this 1.25 MBPS translate to the 4-8 MB download speed? I have a router and the Spheris computer was given to me in 2009, and I bought my newer personal computer December 2010.

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