A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

bad attitudes - old timer

Posted: Mar 08, 2010

Being around people who do nothing but complain tends to make me *****.  Sorry.  But noone here is either giving advice or asking for it.  I actually have given you quite a bit of good advice.  


I didn't tell anyone to pretend MedQuist is anything other than it is -- a large corporate entity, not a caring person.  


What I have said is that being passive and whining is not constructive.  


I'm in the same boat you all are in, so don't tell me I don't know anything about your situation.  I know everything about your job situation that I need to, because I am in the same situation.


The difference is I am a cancer survivor and I don't believe in being passive.  I believe in taking control of matters rather than letting things control me.  I am an expert on self-pity having engaged enormously in it myself.  That's why I recognize it in almost everyone here.  There is sadness, anger, despair.  


What are you gonna do?  Give up.  Just be miserable and continue plugging along for MQ?  Don't tell me I haven't given you positive suggestions.  I even told you where you could get another job without giving up DocQscribe.  


Most of you don't have ears to hear what I have said, and I get really, really bitchy when grown women act like kids.  


MedQuist is what it is.  First of all, a job -- with benefits.  If you cavalierly think that is nothing, you are really insensitive to the people who cannot get a job, who are losing their homes and possessions.  Shame on you!


I've let you in on what apparently is a big secret on this board.  You don't have to go broke or be defeated by MedQuist.  Most of my friends in MQ are in fact happy with their jobs.  None of us thinks it is perfect.  None of us approves of the new policy to pay you less when you send in too much QA.


If it gives me a "god complex" because I happen to think that speaking the truth to people even when they don't want to hear it, when I know it will help them, I accept that.  I believe in a God who cares for us, so if that makes me like God, thanks for the complement.


Now, grow up and get serious about your job, ladies.  If you really hate it here and feel that MQ is out to get you, then quit for crying out loud.  There are other jobs out there!


But stop your incessant whining, as that isn't going to do anything positive for you.  I see that in this place, only people who want to trash MQ and voice their hate and hopelessness are only welcome to speak here.  Anyone who dares to voice a different point of view is called a liar, and everything that person says you consider invalid.  That is psychological pathology, and it won't lead to a change in your job situation for the better.


I really wish you the best.  Some of you need a lot more than advice though.  You need a sharp kick in the butt to get you off your rant and to point you in a different direction.  


You can embrace misery, or you can look for ways to make the best of your situation, or you can quit.  Make your choice.  


Yes, I am violating my own advice of wasting time in the toxic environment on this board.  But I do so because I believe if only 1 or 2 MTs hears what I have to say and their lives get better as a result, it is worth shooting of my big mouth.


Now get back to work, ladies, and stop wasting all your negative energy here.  Go beat bang your head against the wall, as that would be more useful than the approach most of you are taking here.

As for the advice I have given, take it or leave it.  It is up to you to make the happiness in your life.  Stop blaming everyone and everything else, you poor dears!



I'll leave it (your opinion) - Kee-rack that whip!

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Who else but a suit would say "get back to work" to people who are worried about the futures of their jobs? We have nowhere else to turn to answer our concerns, as little as they may seem to you.

Hey old timer, you have bashed us, more than anything. - Then you say you understand.

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What is up with you? First you call us b****** and whiners, then you say peace be with you. Huh?

Seriously, maybe you should take some of your own advice. You know, I could come back and say you are nothing but an old hag that doesn't understand what it is like to have your salary cut by half, or to run out of work, or to be kicked off of a client you used to know like the back of your hand.

Listen I personally think you should go take a long walk off a short pier. Nothing you or any of your suit friends will make me appreciate an underhanded paycut after all the cuts I have already experienced through this company. Why shouldn't everyone speak up for once? Why is it okay for these suits to get even richer while grinding their heels in my back?


And another thing, if you think the paycut will end with the demise of the QA/MME position completely, THINK AGAIN. No matter how few blanks you think you are sending to the client -- they will THEN USE THAT AGAINST US WITH THE QA/MME DEPARTMENT GONE AND THE INABILITY TO CUT OUR PAYS AT THAT POINT USING QA SUBMISSION AS AN EXCUSE.

Please remember you read it here, because it WILL HAPPEN.

Just quit your harping. Just be quiet. I read your DRIVEL then look at my paycheck and want to cry.


Take a break. Hopefully you are done bashing those of us who have been bashed BADLY by MQ.


To old timer - anon

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I too am a cancer survivor. I've learned one thing over the years. Stress is not healthy. Your posts stress me more than anything you've described about others; so I'm not going to read them anymore.

Old timer at what - old and burned out

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I can't believe that anyone who transcribes for a living would continue to post such lengthy messages on this board.

What about the people who are losing their homes, even - while employed by an MTSO? nm

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I was thinking the same thing. MTs have lost homes, - cars, and filed bankruptcy.

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Thanks to the Q! Have you seen the mansion and Escalade our CEO has?

Bummer - I thought you were leaving the board - Anon

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If we want advice, we'd ask Dr. Phil. What makes you think you're qualified to give advice to anyone?

Hey Old-Timer Consider This - oops

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You are kicking people when they are down. Everybody is entitled to their own option. My opinion is I often feel isolated working at home. This is a great place to come to vent and know that I am not alone.

Just keep in mind, it's human nature when people are feeling extremely vulnerable, especially where their livelihood is concerned, that they will be very senstive to being told their feelings, based on facts at hand, are wrong.

Whether this latest change results in lowering our paycheck one dollar or 100 dollars, it is just another blow.

I'm sure some people come on here just to complain, but just because people do complain does not mean they are ONLY complaining. I have given my opinion on here, and I am actively looking for a better job. Meanwhile, I vent, keeps my blood pressure down.

Just MY opinion. Don't kick people when they are down. You don't know these people personally. They are very likely very good people, going through a very tough time. Ease up. As my good friend Red Green says, we are all in this together.

I love Red Green! - mrs.krabs

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He has a page on Facebook for his fans. I get a funny message every day from him. Don't get to see him much on TV here in my state, but I have DVD's and my kids love him. Personally, I think he's kind of sexy for an old geezer. LOL!

Me too! - oops

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He makes me laugh out loud. Definitely does not take himself too seriously. I think we all could use some comic relief right about now.

Last week was a very tough week for all of us. No way you can put a positive spin on this latest change. But I hate to see us all have breakdowns. Not worth it. We need to keep talking and helping each other out.

I have certainly been helped on this site by some of the advice, and have spent my time venting as well.

We need to stick together. And this is our only place to do that.

And no matter what, we always know, Red's pulling for us...Haha.

Me thinks you have too much time on your hands and a very miserable unhappy person - I notice you start all of these threads and never

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Why is that oldtimer. Do you have no one in your life that you can converse with? Do you like to post this vitriol and cut everybody down to make yourself feel good. What about "helping your comrades" instead of bashing them.

You seem to be nothing but a big bag of wind!! A therapist might help alleviate some of your anger, ya think!

Simmer down everybody - oops

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I think we all need to do some yoga or something. I know it's human nature to strike back when someone is unkind.

Old-timer is doing one thing, getting us all off track.

We need to refocus and keep our attention on the changes taking place.

We need to share ideas on how to survive or how to get out.

I think old-timer gets it. We believe in ourselves and don't need to be put down for what we know is wrong, a big corporation, who has gotten way to big in my opinion, no longer caring about the employees that make it.

If they care, I would be happy to hear the last time one of their great new policies have put a few extra pennies in our pocket.

I know its a tough market right now, and I don't look for any great raises, but how about don't take anything more away?

We need to figure out how to protect our income without sacrificing our work quality. Let's keep pressure on "them" to give us all these great tools and then make sure they really work or ask questions about why not.

Let's let old-timer go to bed now, while we working on what we can do to take care of ourselves here.

Suits have all the time in the world to convince us - they are right!!......nm

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Hey! MQ is in need for an immediate job position - for a manager in the south region.

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Who wants it?

where did you see this? our ccm is mia - toots NM

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Go to google type in Medquist, go to careers. - Go to professional opport.

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In the middle section of page. Go to

Manager, Customer Care - South Region and click on it. It states below:

Location: Virtual

Available: Immediately

Position Summary:

The Customer Care Manager delivers superior service that meets or exceeds established quality standards and contractual service level agreements for an assigned group of outsourced transcription and/or product customers.

Essential Functions:

* Supervise workforce of medical transcriptionists, medical editors and quality assurance professionals
* Drive high level of customer satisfaction, revenue retention and growth through strong working relationships with customers
* Create and maintain a Customer Care Plan for TOS and ASP customer within assigned book of business
* Use and update various databases to document and manage customer information
* Engage Area Director and / or Sales team to drive additional sales of products and services
* Participate in direct marketing and communication events and functions


* Minimum of 3 years customer service in Transcription, or Health Information Management; RHIA, RHIT, a plus
* Experience working in hospital environment a plus
* Must have previous supervisory or management experience
* Bachelor̢۪s degree preferred
* 20%-25% travel required
* Ability to work effectively in a virtual environment
* Sales experience helpful
* Knowledge of MedQuist̢۪s Document Enterprise Platform experience a plus


Interested candidates should send an e-mail with salary history and resume to jobs@medquist.com.

to old and mean - let us whine

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For crying out loud, we have a right to whine. Don't listen to it if you don't like it. You are the one who needs to grow up. It's a free country

Hey Mama! - Manager

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The federal goverment considers torturing employees to quit illegal.

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