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Where do I send the reqs to fix ASR terms - its lumbar facet not facette

Posted: Jul 10, 2012

tired of fixing wrong terms that look right..starting my list again..Dont know why I bother they send them to India who screws them up and its just a cycle...I like to bang my head against the wall too!!!

They dont fix the stuff anyway. - lose lose

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No one cares.

They actually did for a bit - Like I say

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I like banging my head against the wall..They took the apostrophe of Homans sign for me..LOL

no use - they will not fix it

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Even on the new and improved DocQscribe 7 we were told that nothing will be changed. Imagine that, programmers deciding PIC line instead of PICC or to capitalize some headings in PE and not others. Just make your own expansions and move on.

gave up trying a looooong time ago...waste of time - SOSDD

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I am still making the same corrections that I made in 2008 when I started. Spent so much time filling out their red tape, submitting the ticket, tracking for my records (all on my own time to save line count) only to continue to make the same corrections over and over and over again. So many reports I can just go through and fix over half of it before ever hearing the dictation....What a waste of our time and effort to fix something for a program that "will learn"... yea right!

Been doing ASR since 2004 - same ol, same ol

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Still making the same mistakes. Have tried all avenues trying to get it fixed. Finally gave up. Just make expansions to get around it. They don't care. It was just an excuse to cut our pay. Period.

Agree, don't bother - Old ASR MT

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I had tried to get a few things fixed in ASR and spellcheck, to no avail. Does nothing these days. Years ago there was a "thing" where they did change a couple of things, but I wouldn't bother anymore.

Make your own expansions. Just highlight the ASR disasters and overwrite using your short cuts. Use keystrokes for everything pertaining to a document, saves TONS of time.

Remedy - software problem - DQScribe - dnr

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There is no software choice for DQSpeech. They now consider it part of DQScribe. As far as getting things fixed, it seems to depend upon whom that problem is sent to. I don't know if there are different people for different regions, but the person who has contacted me about various changes I have filed actually does her job, and if something can't be changed, she lets me know and why it can't be changed.

Even if they supposedly "fixed" it, the first time - anonymous

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anybody types it wrong, it would undo it. You can change it to the correct way 2 bajillion times and it doesn't learn, but type something wrong once apparently it grasps that.

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