A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

This hurts so much - broke mt

Posted: Jul 26, 2010

I was just on ADP looking at my pay stubs. I am part-time and I used to bring home $650 a pay period in 2007.  Then, in August of that year I started ASR and it immediately dropped $100. Fast forward to 2010 and I'm lucky if I bring home $400 a pay period.

I feel like I'm on a sinking ship, frantically throwing things overboard. I've lost my car, my house and have had to declare bankruptcy. Now I'm in an apartment trying to support myself and my son on $500 less a month. I've been looking for other jobs and haven't even gotten a call back. I can't even get hired at Walmart because I haven't worked outside the home in 16 years. I don't have the body, the looks or the clothes to even begin to compete  for a job these days.

It's a shame what the big companies have done to transcription. They took an honorable profession where you could make enough money to support your family and turned it into a sweatshop job at subsistence level pay.

I can remember in 2006 when I bought my house, I felt so proud and yes I felt a little smug because I thought my transcription job would see me through. How wrong I was!! I never foresaw this happening. With each change at Medquist I thought things would surely get better by now but now I know otherwise. I had a phone conversation with my CCM about a month ago and she let it slip out that they are actively trying to get rid of some of the transcriptionists, so I believe it when people say that they are being picked to death by QA. I just wonder when it will be my turn. I don't know if I can last that long, though. Every day I cry at my keyboard, it's that bad. Poor dictators, poor sound quality and just overall @hitty dication that nobody else wants to do or the ASR or Indians can't do get shoved our way. Over and over, all day long.

I never thought I'd hate transcription this much. I never though transcription would turn into what it has. This is just awful.

I wish your post could be read on-air during the - CBS Evening News. (sm)

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It really describes simply and tragically what is happening to transcription workers across the US. And it has nothing to do with the banks or the stock market. MTSOs just keep raking in the money, because hospitals still need transcription done, recession/depression or not. No, this isn't caused by "hard times", it's caused by a greedy industry taking total advantage of workers who don't currently have a "voice" because they're separated and isloated, working at home. I haven't lost a house, but that's because I never had a snowball's chance in Hades of buying one on an MT's pay. Still, I've had to move to ever-smaller and ever-smaller apartments, and even then, I don't know how I'll manage next month's rent. I can't even work 2 jobs because just hanging onto the one I have means I have to spend most waking hours of every day per week plugging away at the lousy dictation I receive, just to try to make the minimum lines. (And I'm still not making minimum.) Surely the axe will fall because of it.

Also: During certain speeches in the past, when one or more of our Presidents has read letters from American citizens, I would give anything to hear him read a letter from one of us. And I think he should read YOURS.

Still not making minimum lines - BH

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And particularly we don't get our required lines when:

1. It is straight transcription and the woman mumbles through the whole dictation.
2. On a discharge summary, you have to have certain headings in order, so she dictates a little of the first heading, then skips to the last heading, so somehow you are supposed to figure where everything she says goes. If you don't include all required headings and put everything she says in the proper order, you will get your report back with lots of errors.
3. And this is because I volunteered to help on the weekends because that is when a lot of discharge summaries are dictated.

speaking of the president and health information - Golden MT

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Hello MTs, but didn't anyone know that Obama.. (or is it Osama, oh well, what's the difference)...wants the whole wide world to go to EMR? I am dead serious, it was in 1 of his speechs from when he was either running or just elected.

Two years ago, I was working 4 days a week, 6 hours, making about $700 bucks every 2 weeks. Now, I am at 30 hours a week and am struggling to make $700 every 2 weeks, and as far as I am concerned, it DOES take an economist to figure that one out (more knowledge, fast typing,better accuracy etc, making less). As far as greedy industry, this has been a slave society for over 30 years, nothing new there. You know what I think? The dollar is just plain being called in and is no longer any good. That's it. I doesn't matter where you go to work, you are a slave and there is no running from this. This is my opinion and well, sad, but really feel it in my heart and soul, this country is gone out the door and overseas. Ptthh!

Bless us all, the US

positive observations - Ang

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Broke MT - I want to say that while reading your post, I was struck by how well you write. Also, the post has a personal flavor to it that made it easy to read - easier than usual. It was interesting. The thought popped into my mind that you might do well working as a personal secretary for a physician. I did that years ago and he was always thrilled when I could "perk up" his letters that he had to dictate in a huge hurry. He appreciated good writing skills. So wanted to suggest that perhaps you could polish up your resume (an MT background would be an enormous plus) and look for some doctors, lots of whom are undoubtedly not so thrilled with the state of things in the ever-changing medical world either - maybe an older one would be good. Just my 2 cents! Your personal touch would be good in the reception part of that job too!

still can't believe it, after all these years - Lydia

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Amazing, isn't it? (Obviously not in a good way.) I make half of what I did when I worked on site. I've been doing this for 25 years, and cannot believe I've been thrown under the bus this way. I hate what has happened to our profession, a lot of us have given our entire working lives to this work, only to have our pay cut in half (half in my case, anyway). I've been dealing with this insult for 3 years now. I was recently asked by someone who attended some sort of recruiting fair if I'd encourage her to pursue a career in MT. Sadly, I had to say no, and tried to explain why. I have a hard time explaining to ANYONE why one's paycheck would take a nosedive after all these years. I feel betrayed.

Me too, me too....AND GET THIS!!!!!! sm - enigma

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I got a call from a guy in India the other day. He left a message. He said it was about a "medical transcription opportunity." Did not identify what company he was with or anything, just said he was calling from India. HA! Fat chance. So now we send dictation over there, only for them to subcontract it back to us? Thereby reducing our pay even more and adding another overpaid middlebusinessman? So ridiculous. And I am so glad I have decided to look outside of the medical transcription field...

So well written - SM

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I am very touched by your post. You spoke as one person, but you reflect the voice of so many. Why has this field of work been subject to this? Why is it that because the transcriptionists work at home they are treated like second rate citizens? This job once provided an adequate income. Now it seems it is not even regarded a real job. I agree with the post that said this should be read on the news. Someone needs to know exactly what is going on. They report hardships in other lines of work . . why not this one?

be glad for what you have for now... - Golden MT

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Hello MTs, but didn't anyone know that Obama.. (or is it Osama, oh well, what's the difference)...wants the whole wide world to go to EMR? I am dead serious, it was in 1 of his speechs from when he was either running or just elected.

Two years ago, I was working 4 days a week, 6 hours, making about $700 bucks every 2 weeks. Now, I am at 30 hours a week and am struggling to make $700 every 2 weeks, and as far as I am concerned, it DOES take an economist to figure that one out (more knowledge, fast typing,better accuracy etc, making less). As far as greedy industry, this has been a slave society for over 30 years, nothing new there. You know what I think? The dollar is just plain being called in and is no longer any good. That's it. It doesn't matter where you go to work, you are a slave and there is no running from this. This is my opinion and well, sad, but really feel it in my heart and soul, this country has gone out the door and overseas. Ptthh!

Bless us all, the US

Can you work full time? - or work 2 jobs?

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I totally feel for you. I also had a significant drop in income.

I used to bring home an average of 1200 per pay period, part time work. Now, I average 700.

I had to take on a 2nd job and that job only provides me between 100 and 250 a week.

The downfall... I work 12 hours a day, but, I do what I have to do.

Yes, this situation sucks for all of us. We all have taken such a hit. The only thing that I know for certain is I will never make 2400 a month for part time work ever again, and even doubt I will make that full time working anywhere else. Those days are over.

Seems like a bad dream - sick and tired

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That is why we all come to this board. There is no friend or family member who can begin to understand how it makes you feel to be working harder and harder and have your pay cut by at least 1/3 and sometimes 1/2. I was doing pretty good and trying to keep my chin up and just be happy that I have a job, trying to find peace with the other facets of my life, until we got this last letter stating our benefit rate and mine had gone down another dollar per hour. I didn't see how. I had been on the same accounts pretty much since last November. I thought my production had actually "improved" a little bit. I would have been content just to stay status quo, but to have it rubbed in my face that I have gone from $18-20 per hour in the olden days (and over $20 on a Saturday with lots of histories and consults) down to this, is quite a blow. Everyone tries to be empathetic, but there is no one in my sphere of this United States who understands. I know losing my job completely would be awful, but to have it chipped away piece by piece like I am not doing a good job and worth less each six months is pretty devastating also. For me, I can keep living more and more frugally probably, but that doesn't help the blow to my self esteem. I cannot find anyone anywhere who just keeps on making less per paycheck month after month, year after year.

And before everybody starts in -- yes I have thought about changing professions. I would be approaching 60 when I finished with my fine new degree and no experience, out begging somebody "hire me, hire me." I just kept thinking I could hang in there doing this until retirement, but by then it appears I will be paying MedQuist to be working. Quite a dilemma. I had to drag myself out of bed this morning I didn't want to do this so much, and I typed 2 reports and now NJA. Sorry this is so long. The tag line "hurts so bad" just really struck home with me today.

Broke MT - Nature

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I could have written this myself. This is why I went part time, but at least I can now draw my Social Security ($700) each month. That does not leave me much to live on, but I do barely get by. The worse part is loosing my insurance. Because I have such high blood pressure, I have a terrible headache all day long. I get up with a headache and go to bed with a headache. I will probably die of a stroke, and you know what, I don't care...as long as I die and not linger for my family to take care of me. Yes, this is what MQ has done to me. What is there to look forward to any more. Like you, I use to love my job. Now I dread it every day.

Fortunate - anonymous

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I am fortunate to have a husband with a decent job. His company over the past few years has had hiring freezes and done no raises for a while, but he never had to take a CUT in pay. His rise in wages has pretty much offset my loss in pay, however, this has put us into a shift of power in the house. Now I have gone from a contributing force in our family to a mooch. I was a single mom raising 2 sons on my own for many years. I was proud and independent. Now MedQuist has reduced me to mooching -- at least that is how I feel. He swears he does not feel any differently, but is funny how every other Friday he has to tell me how much his deposit was (like I wouldn't see it in the checkbook or online). So I guess he loves MedQuist. It has boosted his manhood 100%.

How did you qualify to buy a house on your salary? - ***

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Did you get caught up in the low interest boondoggle. Sorry about your situation, but I find it amazing you qualified on a PT salary so low to begin with.

some houses are less expensive than others - other poster

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Such a negative assumption.

You don't know other peoples' lives.
Maybe someone she loved died and she took over the house. Maybe she bought a low-cost property.

Why don't you take a giant step back?

I paid 16K for my condo in 1995 - ***

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and at $650- every 2 weeks, i could not afford it today. Not being negative. Just really curious again about what she could afford or if she was duped as were many who did not have to report REAL income.

OP only says she's PT at MQ - maybe she has other income - anon

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OP didn't say their only income is the PT job with MQ; they inferred they thought they could count on the MT work (at original pay) to help get them through. If they have other income along with the PT MQ gig, that would explain how they qualified.

So sorry.... - Ang

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Terrible that this has happened to you. Could you try going full time? You are making about what I make part time. I cannot imagine surviving on what I make. My income is just extra.

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