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MT Perspective - Lee

Posted: Apr 10, 2010

Most of you have them figured out.  I was in the last wave in 2005 when they closed our location and dumped us into the system with poor audio, inaccessible supervisors, knowing those of us who were making a decent line rate would eventually bow out.  I truly believe the industry has reduced the MT to the role of at-home slave.  So sad.  You know, it is the patients who ultimately suffer because of the greed of investors who derive their sumptuous subsistence off the sweat and misery of others.  May God bless all who suffer under this oppressive system.

isn't that sad ? . . . nm - voice

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On your side - MT

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Some people who still have it good can't or won't see the writing on the wall. Eventually the realization will come. If they are thrown into constant dictation which is impossible to hear, let alone transcribe accurately the picture will quickly change. 90% of my dictation is like listening to a loud thunderstorm with the dictator placing a cup against his/her mouth while dictating critical radiation therapy notes. There is no way to even reference these drugs/dosages when the first letter of the drug cannot be understood. Some stilll have decent dictation. When you no longer do there is no way of holding on emotionally, let alone financially.

Been there too - Greenjeans

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Worked for a company back in the early 90's, which was bought out by another company, which was bought out by another company, and so on again until eventually MQ finally took us over. Even then I could see what their objectives were about and chose to leave for a small MTSO and things were wonderful until....MQ bought them out. I literally sat and cried. Anyway things were okay for a while, when we still had individual offices, but in 2006 when the big changes took place (the symphony cr@p)I left again and I'm so glad I did.

MQ seems to have different methods of operation depending on the region. They tend to "make improvements/changes" one region at a time which could be why some folks are still living in a state of bliss.

I feel sorry for those happy folks believing that things will continue indefinitely as they are. CBay has other intentions. Anyone who saw what happened when they bought Heartland knows what will eventually happen. They're already weeding out MT's making higher line counts by making them miserable.

Yes, you're right about the at-home slave thing. Have you noticed it seems that MQ takes the lead making negative changes and then the other nationals follow?

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