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Is this a breech of ethics? - me

Posted: Jan 28, 2013

I want to apply to work at the hospital I transcribe for via MM. Can I tell them I work on their account and have for years? Is this some kind of breech of ethics? Can I tell them I work on this specialty in our town and not specifically say the name of the hospital? Does anybody know. Anybody else done this? I would not be applying for an MT job, just a general clerical or PSR, anything to get my foot in the door. I just love this hospital, familiar with the docs, want to work there, but can I tell them I have worked on their account? Is that divulging too much info? I would not divulge any of MMs other clients to anyone else, but I am confused about this. Any help appreciated. Thanks.

Breech of Ethics - MTME

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I would just put MM as your current employer; no details. If they ask you, then you can tell them. If you applied at another job, like a dentist office for example, you would just put MM as your current or last employer. Ethics, you are worried about Ethics with MM. Just get out. They are about as ethical as a snake or even lower!

It's a plus that you know their "system" - wheres_my_job

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You don't know all of it, but you know the doc names, specialties, other details, separate from patient info...that's a plus...it's like you've already got a foot (or at least a side of a toe) in the door already...

That's what I was thinking - me

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I know the specialty and it would get me a foot in the door, but is it wrong to disclose the name of MM's client even to that client? Can we have no contact with the clients whatsoever for like 1 year?

MM has no problem getting a hospital - account and making MTs

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who worked for that hospital either quit and lose their jobs or work for MM with crapy pay. To me it goes both ways.

I do like the post where it states just put you worked for MM. Good luck to you. Wish you the very best! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Check the policy section - Dinosaur

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Check the policies on the M*Modal website. Also check the employee handbook, as well as any contract or job application you may have signed. At one time MRC and MQ had a "no competition" clause in the job application that was signed by every employee. I know of three cases where an MT and/or manager left to go to another company, then tried to solicit MRC/MQ employees to the company they left MRC/MQ for. MRC/MQ filed a lawsuit against the former employee, as well as the new company they worked for. I understand it not exactly the same situation, but it is all in the terminology.

To be on the safe side, I would just say that you worked for MM. If they ask specifically if you are familiar with their account or format, then you can tell them. After all, you can't withhold information on an application when you are specifically asked, I believe that is illegal, so that would be your loop hole if you needed one.

No way is that a breech of ethics... - anon

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and kudos to you for even worrying about ethics regarding a company that has none whatsoever. You say you're not even looking to do transcription for them, so I really can't see any way possible that being some kind of conflict. I'm excited for you - I hope that works out for you! :)

But does the hospital Like MM - anon

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If they are not happy with the job MM is doing for them, knowing you work(ed) there might not be a good idea.

Breech ??? - sm

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Probably everybody knows this already - but your name is on the reports you type for that hospital - so it would not be any news to them that you know their system when you tell them you worked for MM - and it would not be anything to do with breech of ethics if you told them you typed their reports.

Plus who cares..mm has done sooooo much for us - nm

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IMO no breech - anon

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A breech would be involved if you were trying to take the account from MM or if you were trying to hire on as an MT. You said you would be hiring on in another capacity, so that would not be a breech IMO.

breech - Anon

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I'm not the word police (far from it), but isn't it breach?

oops yes of course it is breach...I am home sick with cold...not thinking well! nm - anon

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