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HAART not heart - ae

Posted: Sep 29, 2012

I was searching reports to look up how a doctor dictates and came across..patient has HIV and is on heart medications.  Come on, people, ALL transcriptionists should know HIV patients get HAART treatment.  Unbelieveable.  I would not be surprised if we lose this contrast due to stupid mistakes like that.

Geez! - anon

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Some of us do different specialties and might not immediately pick up on that. That is something I don't think I have ever seen, but I would pick up on clues in the PMH to figure out it was not HEART. Geez, can't you stop with the put downs and insults? We are not all perfect like you! Have you never made a stupid mistake in your life? Must be nice.

HAART - ae

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HAART medications have been used for years and transcriptionists should know. If not, the whole report had nothing to do with the patient's heart, so why would the dr put the patient on heart medications for HIV? Common sense if you are proofreading the report as you go along would tell you the pt is not on heart medications. Or do a search on HIV and "heart medications" and it would come up HAART.

That is the problem with ASR... you hear heart, you see heart - you dont edit to HAART

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Stop blaming the MTs for this!
I think - anon
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they hire MTs with less experience and then do not mentor or give enough feedback, and just set them loose. When I started, I had someone I could ask questions of. I think that's important when learning any new skills, builds confidence. What kind of support do new MTs get? Not the MT's fault MM does not care, just keep cranking out the reports.
You can thank FTR for this - not a fan
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FTR only promotes guessing and discourages the MTs from getting proper feedback. Quality started taking a nosedive after they implemented FTR and punishing the MTs monetarily for asking for a second listen.

I too had great QA when I started, who were paid by the hour and we had to earn our way off 100% QA on an account. Now we just get thrown into the cesspool of reports, but hey the CP is there and so are old reports full of mistakes. But it doesn't matter as long as the reports get out. Quantity over quality.
Exactly. Proving once again that this is a - knowledge job and SM
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we should be paid as such. They want so much for VR to be the reason we will no longer be needed. Think again. As another poster said, most MTs would pick up that heart was not correct simply by interpreting the rest of the report and doing some research on what it might be. A KNOWLEDGE job, and time spent doing that research should be compensated as well as the knowledge to know that it should be researched.
Ultimately... - sm
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it's the MT's responsibility to verify what's been transcribed by VR. If incorrect and left unedited, like it or not, it's still the MT's error.

Well, I can't say that I would know it but I do see - your original post had a mistake in it. sm

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Why would you think they would lose a "contract" over one simple mistake. Lots of mistakes are made daily. Heck, comma placement can even be considered dangerous these days or not expanding a brief form and having the initials incorrect where it could stand for something totally different.

I wouldn't be so harsh if I were you. I just wouldn't.
WHo cares? THis isnt work. And, no, I am not the OP. - Not that you will believe that. nm
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I am familiar with the term, but agree it would be - an easy mistake to make or

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overlook depending on the context of the report, especially if you are just cruising along doing VR.

But that is why we are paid the big bucks - so we dont make - an easy mistake. nm

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You are being funny right? - mmmt
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what big bucks?
Did you laugh? - nm
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Have been an MT for a long time but - mt

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I have had very few reports on HIV and am unfamiliar with meds.

Not to worry. Nobody pays attention. Nobody cares. - nm

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Hey, I've been an MT for over 22 years - flmt

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and have never heard of HAART meds before. I don't do acute care so I definitely would not know that, but if I had already typed that the patient didn't have heart problems, I am sure I would research it to figure it out.

No, no, no. I meant nobody, except maybe us, cares. Drs, and for - sure, suits could care less. nm

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ae. you might want to reread your post sm - anon

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before you comment on the mistakes others make. just sayin'..

VR is so boring, it puts me to sleep.

Muphry's Law strikes again - sm

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I don't know about you, but I don't edit without a paycheck. If I ain't getting paid my little pennies for it, it goes un-commented-upon by me.

Plus, it's kind. I approve of kindness, especially among our colleagues.

IV or oral contrast? - girl4givn

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Sometimes we make stupid mistakes. I have caught many mistakes after the fact that just embarrass me to no end. Maybe a tired transcriptionist typed it and she does know that HIV patients are on HAART medications. But possibly she's on her second shift, or maybe the baby started crying. Maybe she's just numb from ASR and overlooked what the speech recognition picked up.

None of us are perfect, and I seriously doubt someone would pull a CONTRAST over that mistake.

Just hold on... - Des

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You said "...patient has HIV and is on heart medications..."

The operative word being "and." It's very, very common for dictators to put 2 separate issues in the same sentence connected with the word "and."

For example, "The patient has liver disease and is on heart medications. He has known CAD. He has HIV." Would you have been so quick to jump on the "HAART" bandwagon if that were what was dictated?

As stated in the "Geez! - anon" post, a good MT who might not catch it at first, would likely see clues later in the report. However, if the patient does have heart issues AND HIV, then something like that might not be so easy to catch.

I'm in no way supporting leniency with quality; I'm just saying that some doctors dictate ambiguously and we can only do the best we can do.

Sorry, I have a bajillion years experience and - if it was in the middle

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of an 8-hour mind-numbing ASR shift, it might not have clicked with me either; I might have just seen heart medication and kept on "reading." If I was typing and more engaged, I think I would have been more apt to transcribe it correctly.

I agree--not fair to criticize... - SM

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...the MT who left it "heart" or typed that to begin with (whichever way it happened). It's not like the word combination "heart medications" is totally unheard of.

I've had 18 years of acute-care experience, all of them at a very large teaching hospital, and we had very few HIV/AIDS patients at our facility (normally if they were just there for other health issues, like needing back surgery). The other major medical center in town was more of the go-to for that and other things, like their burn unit and organ transplants; and we had the top-notch high-risk pregnancy, neonatal care, and cardiac care.

Not all doctors list every single medication the patient might be on. Maybe they should, but they don't. Sometimes they just dictate: "MEDICATIONS: See MAR." So, you might not have heard of every possible medication or drug cocktail on the planet. I can guarantee that even doctors can be clueless on drug names that aren't within their specialties. I also would not have know about HAART medications, and I'm no dummy. Ignorance is not the same thing as stupidity.

Holier than thou are we? - nm

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To me I would bet this report was dictated by a non infectious - disease doc. With the

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HAART is not exactly a"medication," but rather a therapy. So, I don't know that it would be a 100% no brainer. Maybe a comma was missing The patient has HIV, and is on heart medications.

Obviously, based on the context of the rest of the report, that may or may not make sense, but if a dictator was just rambling off a PMH and not an infectious disease specialist, the wording may not have come across as intended.

Don't be so quick to judge.

Just saying.

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