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CCM Lay Offs - exasperated

Posted: Jun 02, 2010

My CCM just called to let me know Medquist fired her.  She was the best CCM I have ever had with the company (in terms of calling back, answering emails, etc.) and no doubt that is why the laid her off.  I have been looking for another job and now will be looking all the harder.  Medquist is shooting themselves in the foot and I hope it hurts!

I'n not surprised - sm

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With this Spheris purchase, you can bet a lot of positions were "bought" right along with the company itself. This, of course, means some MQ folks will have to go to make room for Spheris.

I personally have had 2 or 3 CCMs and none of them have known anything about MT/QA stuff. I don't even think that being able to spell is a requirement for a CCM around here.

I really don't care if they continually change CCMs. My job has never been affected by such managerial changes over these past 5 years or so. Maybe if I ever had a CCM who had experience in what an MT or QA does, I'd think differently about their attributes as my boss. Until that happens, they are about as valuable to me as MQ finds me to be of value to the company itself. It's obvious with the pay cuts and such going on, MQ thinks very little of us workers.

I'm sorry that anybody loses their job, but I'm not going to cry about it or lose any sleep over it.

fully agree no tears here either - weekendwarrior

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Your post said everything I was thinking- the CCMs couldn't type a medical report to save their life and asking them to run interference between a nit picky QC who is out for blood is worthless.

We are all just numbers to them anyway, maybe a voice on the phone, a name on an email. I have learned to turn their indifference to me to a positive- I just do my job, fly under the radar, make a decent check and then go enjoy my life with my family. I work my hours, but no OT. The indifference goes both ways- if they don't care enough about me (oh wait I forgot the lousy mousepad) then I choose not to care about TAT or backlogs or OT.

Oh and if you don't like your CCM now just give it a few months and the management shuffle will happen again. :)

Is this just a house-cleaning? My CCM hasn't - said anything

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today. Maybe they are consolidating regions yet again?

CCM Lay Offs - Oldtimer

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I have received an e-mail from my Region Director stating my CCM is no longer with the company. I know that with any big company merge, it is middle management that is effected the most and I am not surprised, however, I am very saddened to see my CCM go. She was one of the very few it seems that was excellent. Always answered e-mails and returned phone calls, kept in touch and was an advocate for her team members. She will be missed. I have been with Medquist for 18 years and have seen more changes than you could through a stick at, always stuck it out and looked for the best in them but the best is certainly getting harder and harder to find. I do believe a change is in the wind for me. Good luck to all those who lost their positions in the merger.

It's pretty much over as a profession - peach

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Medical Transcription is pretty much over in the United States as a profession. Most contractors are just playing games to be able to show they tried to hire US MTs and it didn't work because they made sure it didn't. It is ALL going over seas, it is time to give this up and do something else or approach docs at clinics and hospitals DIRECTLY. I talked to one lady who thought we were getting 15 cents/line because that is what they were paying! How is 4 to 5 dollars an hour for VR even LEGAL?

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