A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Bankruptcy Notices - NCMT

Posted: May 03, 2014

Does anyone know why I am receiving notifications of this process when I no longer work for the company?  Are past employees filing claims against the company?  If so, for what exactly?  It appears to be a reorganization of the company and not a dissolution, which is good for those still there.  Just curious about what's going on.  Thanks!  

I don't think they keep their mailing lists up to date - L&L

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very well. Consider posts from all the people who quit who keep getting calls to work. What else can I say, we all know it is kind of a half-rear-ended company management-wise.

I got one also --- been gone for over 2 years - no name

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Not sure why. They do realize I am gone??????????

I got one too, and I was laid off last August.... - Kiki

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I think you can file a claim if you are a past employee who has a claim, such as unpaid work or the like.


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MedQuist the predecessor to M-Modal was caught shaving off money from every transcribers paycheck for at least a 10 year period. Employees were asked to join a law suit which was really a bogus way of the company giving 5 million dollars to a group (probably someone in the organization) to give teaching aid to those in the suit, those who did not join the law suit can therefore file a claim against this bankruptcy. It is worth looking into.

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