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Filed Bankruptcy today - MT2020

Posted: Feb 18, 2010

Gonna lose the car.  Thank God I work at home, but it still sucks. 

Don't you usually get to keep one car? - Sounds harsh to me. nm

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Not necessarily nm - MT2020

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yes, you can keep the car, but you have to - Snow Bunny

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"reaffirm" it. That basically means that if you're still making payments on it you agree to continue making those payments. You do the same thing if you own a house. If you don't want to lose the house to have to reaffirm it.

To my knowledge, that goes for both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

Sorry to hear, I did last year. It'll be OK. nm - Discharged

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Going through same thing and - Heading south

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on top of everything else I am losing my home of 25+ years to the bankruptcy court. Get to keep the 15-year-old truck though. I just could not keep up with the medical bills, etc., with my lowered wages. I don't know what I am going to do with the 2 dogs (they are old) and the bird. I am not left with much to even rent an appartment at this point, most do credit check. I am heading south, where living on the street will be warmer than here in the north.

Oh Honey.... - MT2020

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I am so sorry. I pray you are exaggerating and its not that bad. As for me, I'm just sitting here waiting for them to come and take my car! I am so mortified. I don't want the neighbors to see. But too embarrassed to call the credit union to ask them where they want me to bring it. Sigh. God help us.....

Thank you. I was just informed two days - Heading south

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ago that they would be taking the house and I am in panic mode; you know how the mind works when in panic mode. Never in my life have I been in this position, but my fault I guess. I was injured during a backpacking trip and with not being able to work for almost a month and the medical bills piling up, everything just got away from me. I lost my long-time accounts due to being gone so long and was put on new ones that had mostly ESL and VR and just could not seem to make the lines needed to keep up with living expenses, so ran up the credit card also, which I knew better. I do have a sister I can stay with in an apartment, but she is struggling herself and I am too embarassed to ask for help from family and way too old to have gotten myself into this mess. I have faith that everything will work out in the end, it is just getting there that is hard. It is the animals that I worry most about, especially the one who saved my life on that backpacking trip.

I feel for anyone going through a bankruptcy and know that many are through no fault of their own, we are all really just one paycheck away from being on the street.

I hope all the best in your situation and am sure everything will work out for you. This is the first time posting anything on here and thank you for letting me vent, it helps.

"Life is not the way it's supposed to be, it's the way it is, how you cope with it is what makes the difference."
(((HUG))) - MT2020
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I'm so glad I was here to listen. I know how hard it is. I am so kicking myself right now. Panic mode? I'm just numb. I'm so afraid of the future. Afraid people will come and take my things away. Thanks God the house I was able to get the house exempt.

I don't hear much of this kind of talk here, but I just needed to vent too. Can't share this kind of thing on Facebook LOL.

Thank you for listening too. And just be strong, it will get better.

I hear ya. - Heading south
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Take care
Heading South - Indy-MT
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I am so close to your situation that it's just down right scary every day, and just hanging on with a thin thread. I had surgeries,time off without pay & bills/living expenses paid via credit cards. You do at the time what you have to, to survive! With one of my accounts going to VR within the next month,I truly can see myself in your same situation!

What touched my heart in your email was that regardless of your situation, you'd find a way to survive and your concern was about your animals, especially the one that saved your life on the backpacking trip. How can I help you keep this truly loyal companion? What kind of dog is he/she? What do you need to not be separated from him/her? What other animals do you have? Maybe all of us on here can help you at least find foster homes for your animals for the time being.

Surely through searching web sites,all of us animal lovers can help you find foster homes to help you out. Can't imagine not being with my daily companions and what you are going through. My heart goes out to you!

What do you need? - HatesLosers
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I'm in - I'm "up North" too, so if there's anything I can do to help, I surely will - feel free to contact me by email and we'll talk, okay? That goes for both of you...or any of you!!! Not that I'm able to do much to help, but I'm more than willing to at least lend an empathetic ear...you're in my prayers.
HatesLosers, the below post to Indy-MT - Heading south
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is for you also, and all who posted their willingness to help out. Thank you. Just posting your concern is helpful, reafirms for me there is humanity in this world and opened my eyes enough to pay some of this kindness forward where I can. You are all "trail angels."
I am in tears with all the kind responses - Heading south
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I am fiercely independent and don't usualy share my problems, so such a surprise to see the kindness in others in the world the way it is today. I don't know why I posted, just saw another in a similar situation and sympathized with their situation.

Not to worry, I am going down to Calif. to stay with a friend of my sister, who has a big fenced yard for Morty (and does not mind him being in the house) and no pets of her own anymore, and I can work from there until I can save enough money to get back "home" to Oregon. Unfortunately, since the bear attack, losing his buddy that day and being injured himself, Morty (cattle dog mix) has become overly protective of me and very dog aggressive (we have been working on this and he is getting better), so hard to find a place to go with him. I will not give him up. My other dog (aussie mix) is nearing the end of her days and my vet has agreed to take her in (they are good buddies) and I will come back when it is her time to go. The bird (cockateil)is going to a neighbor along with the turtle. I have about 60 days to vacate my home and so plenty of time to make arrangements. Thank you for your kindness, it will not be forgotten and for sure will be "paid forward."

If any of you reading this are ever hiking the Pacific Crest Trail in Bend, Oregon, just off the trail near the junction with 7 Lakes Trail is a wooden marker in memory of Bobbie that reads "It's hard to find a friend to match, the little dog beneath this patch, with a heart as big as one can give, she gave her life that I may live. Bobbie, 2001 - 2008." Please stop by this and close your eyes and see a little speckled cattle dog running free in the woods she loved so much, the sweetest cattle dog you will ever meet.

A good credit website - Typin_away

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I filed about 6 yrs ago. Here is a great website to help you make sure your credit reports are correct after the bankruptcy and to rebuild your credit it the future.


I am truly touched - MT2020

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I just wanted to say how touching it is to see people not only willing to help out animals, but also willing to lend empathetic ears. We are more than a MT community here, we are family, and I saw that is these posts.

Bankruptcy-MT2020 and headin south - larch

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Both of you - I live way up north also and have a large "family of animals." My home is small, but my door is open to both of you and your pets. My lines have also been cut way back as well as my line rate after being in the hospital for over 1 month this past year. Please get in touch or stay in touch with me so that I can help at least put a roof over your head. We have to pull together in this or will all go down the tubes. There is strength in numbers and I would appreciate the company. Let me hear from you please.

I will be moving - Heading south

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to california to stay with a friend of my sister in the next month or so. I will be taking the one dog with me, the other will be taken care of by my vet. I have found good homes for the bird and turtle. Your generosity is very heartwarming and I appreciate the offer. Hopefully the future will be better for all of us, I have faith all will work out in the end. "Praying to God, but rowing toward shore" is what I am doing now and things seem to be falling together, no time to sit and stress anymore.

That's a good idea - MT2020

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I'm not losing my home, but just to throw this out there. I have an adult, female, spayed cat named Aimee, and about 4 or 5 months ago, she was shot. See, we don't live in the best neighborhood. Anyway, she's and older car, trained to go outside, or use a litter box, and as much as I love her, I still worry about her, now more than ever. She's not as agile anymore, and I worry about dogs and mean people (like the one that shot her). She had to have her frong right leg removed. It was a very lucky shot, unfortunately. She was shot from one side of her paw through the other. Not up-to-down, but side-to-side. Poor thing barely made it home. But anyway, more than anything Aimee needs a loving lap to lay in, and someone to pet her. That's all she wants now, and my kids are older, and I work like a slave. So, with that being said. If anyone, in the North Carolina, triad area, has a loving, quiet home for my Aimee, please e-mail me, and we can talk. Thanks!

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