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Anyone else want to share their grade so we all have an idea of where we stand? - sm

Posted: Mar 15, 2014

I've seen an 86, 88, 92, and 98.  I also made an 88.  I had time to verify the ones I wasn't sure of, so I'm a little blown away that I didn't do better than that, but it is what it is.

Test - Score

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I got a 92 although not sure what that proves considering you could google the answers or have someone help you if you wanted to..and yes I did google some.

Wonder what a statatician could do with - those 5 scores

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Mine is already included in your list.

4 out of 5 in the 86-92 range. Perhaps those of us in that range actually do have a shot.

To small of a sample size and we don't know how many took the test, a few hundred maybe? Someone said not everyone who wanted to got to test.

Here it is folks - Mouse

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I scored 86%. You need 50% to pass. I hold my hat way up to those who made it over 90. This was one tough test and for what we do on a daily basis with the same type of reports, dictators, etc., we could have studied day in and day out and still not have been totally ready. Hey all we can do is try...Amen!

Hey, my 86% sister. - Agree, congrats to you 90 gals

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It was a rather difficult test, mostly because I wasn't really prepared and didn't really know what to expect.

If I don't get in, which looks unlikely, I hope they offer it again in the fall. Those of us who have already tested for it will have a better idea of how to prepare next time.

Another 86 too. Good luck to everyone. - NM

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How many think the test is the ONLY criteria? - ANON

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here is what the e-mail says:

Test scores will be the predominate factor in being admitted into the program and will serve as a way of evaluating skill sets to determine the fit within the training program.

Sounds like it isn't the only thing they will look at.

I am sure they will take coding certs into consideration. - I think they mentioned that?

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They would be wise to consider that as a factor!

into consideration in their favor or not? not so sure - they may want a clean slate

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to train their way.
I'd have thought certs would definitely be favorable. - Still need the same basic skills.
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ICD10 may be new, and I do not know exactly how it is different to ICD9, other than more specificity, and letters in the codes instead of just numbers, but I would have thought coding no matter what system needs the same basic thought processes and underlying skills. I think over the years coders have had to adjust to lots of changes in coding systems. I doubt you throw the baby out with the bathwater every time (if that is the right phrase).
I think so too. I think the obvious goal - sm
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would be to select people who need the least training -- hence, the A&P test to see who can get by without having to take A&P courses. I think if you've taken a class in coding or are certified, you'd have an advantage. I tested because I would like to get into coding, but I'm pretty sure there are going to be 60 out of thousands who are more qualified than I am unfortunately.
Their way - Outside looking in
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There is no "their way" in coding, it is supposed to be standard according to ICD-9, ICD-10 and CPT rules and guidelines. M-Modal does not set the coding standards. Having coding background and having a CPC cert. are definite advantages. A person like that will be up to speed much more quickly than someone who has never coded before. In regard to the ICD-10 codes, you are correct. There is more specificity. The procedure codes have changed quite a bit but a person who knows ICD-9 will not have a problem. Reasons why MTs turned coders are still working as MTs? It is difficult find a job without experience as was mentioned. The other is that, even with coding background, some people prefer MT. Coding is not a good fit for everyone. Being an MT actually doesn't mean a lot when you make the change, except that you have terminology and anatomy knowledge, but it also takes other special skills that not everyone has. I asked this question before but no one answered: A few weeks ago you were all a bunch of coding bashers - the jobs were going away, automation was taking over, etc., etc., I don't understand what happened to change all that. I'm also puzzled why MM is willing to take a chance on a bunch of inexperienced people - training 60 people is going to be a nightmare. Some people will "get it," but others never will. Also, their job requirements - CCS certification, a 4-year degree, 5-7 years of coding experience, RHIA/RHIT? Those are cream of the crop coders. It takes years to reach that level for most people; MTs are nowhere near that caliber of expertise, it doesn't make sense to turn a bunch of newbies loose. That is akin to thinking that anyone who can type can do medical transcription.
It's a "pilot" program. I think the freak out - should be withheld til September
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No one knows what/how they will teach or what the end result will be.

I think to portray it as a "quickie" 3-month training program is a little off, it also includes a 3 month full time apprenticeship and then 2 more years of on-the-job training.

I think it is too soon to judge this a huge failure.

As to who gets picked, I agree anyone with coding experience who "passes" the test with at least a reasonable score will get in.

I think it's all very interesting. I'm not really sure why so many seem to be taking this so personally. It sure is riling up some serious emotions though.

Here is the big question, how many would - have coding experience?

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If you have coding training/experience why on earth would you be working as an MT?

There might be some, I think someone below mentioned they had taken some classes, but I doubt there are many.

Does anyone even know how many US MTs MModal has anymore?
the reason why I am still an MT - eyeswideopen
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is it is very difficult to get a coding position without any coding experience. right now have a CPC-A which means I am an apprentice. Took test last fall and passed

Another 92 - Took the test

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There were a couple that I missed that were just dumb. I wonder if 92 is a good score or just mediocre.

A&P test score - eyeswideopen

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That test kicked my butt, only got an 82 - probably should have used Google or something as others mentioned, but wanted to do it on my own. Man, am I dumb! Good luck with the course ladies, with a score like mine, I doubt I will get in.

I figure I'm probably out too. Unless there are ones - sm

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with really low scores who aren't posting them... otherwise I guess I'm out too. I hope they offer it again.

Same here. I scored the same 82. As you - did, I did it cold on my

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own without Google or other resources as I think my fear in doing that was it would be easy enough to score higher, but would I then end up in over my head later?

I took college A&P 15 years ago and remember studying night and day for the final exam and scoring a 96. That was tough and so much study time put in. Others in class were scoring in the 80s, but it was still considered a feat. A&P doesn't compare to just terminology, there is just so much more involved.

I figure an 82 without studying, practice tests, or open book research, isn't that horrible considering and I'm okay with the score. I know it won't be enough for this opportunity, but I was pretty pleased after all this time some of it was still stuck in the brain :-)

Good luck to all those high scores and I wish you well and am happy you'll have this opportunity. Forget about the negative comments and just put your best foot forward and know you're working towards something bigger.

Seems like the bulk of us were in the 80s - anon

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Don't you think we probably represent what people who don't post on this board got as well?

1 - 98
2 - 92
2 - 88
3 - 86
3 - 82

Out of 11 people only 3 scored in the 90s. I guess it depends on how many tested, if the 80s will be enough.

We will know by Weds/Thurs.

Are you the poster who already has coding - certification?

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if so, they flat out say in the email anyone with coding experience will get extra consideration.

For example I know that on state tests veterans get 5 points added to their test score. So if something similar happens, it would seem you actually have a good shot at getting in.

I only ask because someone had "eyewideopen" in their tagline below saying they already had completed training and had certification. I would think that would make you a shoe-in.

yup, I do have my CPC-A - eyeswideopen

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Hopefully that will make a difference since I had to study very hard while still working full time. The opportunity to get paid while studying sounds like a dream after what I went through. I have no ICD-10 experience at all so still needing training on that. My A and P test score was only 82 so not sure if I will be accepted. I will keep you posted. If I don't get into the program, I wish those who do the bes

I wonder - anon

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what happens if there are say 30 people with the same score and only 10 spots left.

Do you think they will base it on tier level at that point?

There will very likely be a bunch with the same score vying for the same spot.

Yes, I know it doesn't matter, it's speculation, it's unknowable. I'm inpatient, yada, yada.

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