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About to walk - Last straw

Posted: Jan 28, 2015

I am one of the few straight typing MTs left in the company.  I came on board 3 years ago as a result of an acquisition.  The new policies starting at the beginning of 2015 are making it nearly impossible to do my job, almost as if they are trying to force me out.  Seriously.  I am struggling like I never have, and I have been doing this job for more than 2 decades.  Now, we have been told we will also be required to work in Fluency.  Judging from the comments, this program seems horrendous.   What would the advice be regarding jumping ship?   Are there anything positive to be said about staying? Would it even be worth trying to apply with another company (another set of problems)?  Any advice is greatly appreciated.  

If you can get out....goooooo - sm

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run away as fast as you can..spend my morning looking for jobs..in other fields, just not a lot of medical out there that I fit into

Completely understand - HDS

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I have been contemplating what to do myself ever the since new PODs have been implemented and yet another change in management and all the humanly impossible expectations it is definitely challenging. What will another company provide? Will they be better or worse? I have even contemplated a career change but that is a huge step at my age. Will MModal crash and burn soon because of the unattainable goals they are trying to accomplish? Will things settle back down when they are no longer the power house company of the clinical documentation world because they have run so many employees off or fired/laid off good ones? I've just been praying constantly to know what the next step in my life is to be and also pray for the company to make better decisions.

I'm with you HDS - sm

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I failed an audit for 1 ONE error and it was minor. I have been doing this job for 20 yrs. So scary to think about changing, especially since I feel like a whipped puppy with all the constant negative feedback. Never once did I hear wow, thanks, you caught that major error, but put an A or the where it doesn't belong and all heck breaks loose. I'm so over this, even Walmart is sounding better and better

Fluency for the most part is a great program, - sm

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It isn't Fluency that is the real problem with this company. Yes, this latest upgrade with having to upload twice is a pain, but I don't think changing to Fluency should be a deal breaker, there are too many other issues that should be the deal breaker, low pay, no work, PODS, audit requiremens, etc., and I assume you are already dealing with most of those like the rest of us.

I agree I came back here because Fluency - fits me

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The problem is as above AND the biggest problem is the ASR is horrendous at best

Fluency actually does a great job on my accounts. - sm

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Maybe it is not like that for all, but I find ASR actually does really well on my accounts if the dictator can speak even half-way decent. I can edit at 1.6 to 1.8 speed most of the time.

Upload twice - TJ

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Tell me about the upload twice. I have not yet actually done the new platform yet. I am going to do so in a couple of days. But could you tell me what you mean about download twice. Sorry, I am sure this is a silly question. But thank you.

Fluency - Feh

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First, I didn't think there was anyone left who only did straight typing, that certainly isn't financially fair to the rest of us, although I can imagine there is far less work available with straight typing. With regard to Fluency, the major difference is the pay. The benefits are that sometimes speech recognition is more familiar with the dictator and can "hear" things better than you and there is definitely less wear and tear on your wrists. However, the way its programmed for MModal is so bad, that it puts tons of words, sentences, paragraphs in that haven't been dictated. It gets a lot of the numbers incorrect. You have to concentrate and read along and correct way more than I think they ever thought there would be to correct. Its a job though, you still get to do it from home, and I'm guessing it will pay you more than minimum wage. Just my take on it.

Fluency's a great program. It's the terrible dictators - sm

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and sometimes horrible sound quality that makes it hard to make money.

Will you keep the same account you are - working on?

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If you are straight typing on that account they probably want it to go to ASR, their speech engine runs on Fluency, which is probably the reason they want you to change.

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