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anyone else get Achilles tendonitis? - anon

Posted: Jun 01, 2013

For the past 2 years I have been having problems with my Achilles tendon acting up and it can be very painful. I'm thinking it might have to do with working the footpedal all these years. I switched to the other foot but was wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them. 

yes. - switched feet for the pedal

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and now get it in that foot too. ugh.

foot and ankle problem - NY MT

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yes and I'm having swelling in my right foot and ankle. I also feel it is a tendonitis from the footpedal use after 40 years at this, but agree that if I switch to the other foot it will happen there also. Also I think part of my problem is coming from my right knee maybe tendonitis going down to the ankle. I am just dealing with it at this point. Any more suggestions or advice would be appreciated!

Foot/ankle troubles - see msg pls

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I started having problems, then realized that it was likely the way I was hitting my foot pedal. I tended to "wing" my foot out to the side. I now am more ergonomic and make sure my foot is completely straight.

Same concept as your wrists. No winging out, causes a lot of problems with repetitive injuries.

agree - NY MT

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I'll try that, thanks for the advice. I agree that I am probably doing that with my right foot while using the foot pedal.


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Why are you yelling? - Posting in all caps

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is yelling and is considered rude.

yep, I hate that too. Comes off as attention seeking - even if not meant to be. mt3

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No offense to MOTOOD, just rubs people who blog wrong.

YELLING in all cap... - MOTOOD

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Blind in right eye all my life--congenital--and 20/2000 in left eye, correctable to no better than 20/100. CAPS help me see the words better.

Maybe a bigger monitor would help--like I could afford one. LOL (oops, sorry, lol).
try this --- to enlarge. - anon
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If you encounter a website with small text using Internet Explorer use the drop down menu in your task bar to select the following options to increase or decrease the font's appearance:

1. Click on View.

2. Click on Text Size.

3. You will have these options: Largest, Larger, Medium, Smaller, Smallest.

4. Select which ever you feel is comfortable.

This a result of googling the problem and answered by Microsoft Support.
Why not just increase the font size on the - monitor you have?
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No need to play the "poor me" card.
Instructions given in post right above yours. Now, was that crack necessary? - just a thought. NM
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Yes. - Yes, it was.
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go to www.itzooms.com and run the program --sm - MT wallet
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I discovered this website via Google the other day. It is a temporary program, nothing installed on computer and you can x out of it when finished. It has made a world of difference in my transcription and internet browsing. And it's free! I have diabetic reginopathy and needed magnification desperately.
To enlarge font - see msg pls
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Use the ctrl key and up or down the mouse wheel. Upping the wheel will enlarge font.
tried that, it works! Amazing. Never knew that. Thanks!! NM - MT wallet
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You are welcome. Works on most Internet pages - You may have to adjust it back
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...to normal when you visit somewhere else.

I never wear shoes while working - only socks or barefoot

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still have it. does not make any difference one way or the other. It's cause your toes are up higher than the heel and stuck in that position for 12+ hours per day.

um maybe it's because you work over 12 hours a day!?!? - geez take a break

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why 12 hours a day? WOW
most of us work 10-12 hrs and more than one job it's - called survival dear. geez give us a break
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lucky you making ends meet on 8 a day in this profession.

I get ankle-foot swelling. No shoe is a fix for me. Has everything to do with - position sm

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For me - in order to get the right position for my hands on the keyboard to be ergonomically correct and not 'act up,' I need my chair just so. Considering I am a shrimp, that means setting the chair all the way down to its lowest position and adding a slide out keyboard shelf to the bottom of my desk. Perfect for my arms/back posture.

But the chair still cuts me behind the knee in a way that circulation dwindles and my ankle and foot swell. Not one to get up every 30 minutes to walk around, I came up with a wooden angled box for the foot pedal, which is wide enough for the idle foot as well and elevates both, not by much, but enough to take pressure off the back of the knees somewhat, caused by sitting in an upright chair for any length of time, let alone the hours we put in.

ankle problems - OldsterMT

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I have always used a running sneaker with a thicker heel so my foot is elevated off of the foot pedal some. I think it has to do with length of leg to floor. Now, in the summer, if I wear a flip flop, I have more trouble with my thighs and feet/ankles aching, but sneakers and socks are too warm. As someone else posted, I keep my chair height proper for my arms and keyboard, but not always what works for my legs/feet. I can't think properly when I switch feet.

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