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why cant they dictate someplace quiet? - UGH

Posted: Jun 01, 2010

There are 3 different very loud noises going off in the background and it has given me an instant migraine!


duuuuuhhh duuh... duuuuuuhhh duuh...

bong....   bong....   bong....


What is wrong with people?  How can this doctor sit there himself without screaming? This is seriously how people can just flip right off the deep end.

Had one this weekend! - Deep end is right!

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Large dog barking nonstop in the background, doors opening and shutting loudly, and the sound of the TV blaring in the background. Also, the dictator's voice was very..."different" than when she dictates in-house (perhaps a little imbibing on her own time but I'm just guessing).

And they honestly think we have some type of bionic ear that allows us to filter out all of their background noise, or are they really just that inconsiderate that as long as THEIR job is done, our inability to create a coherent report for them is of no concern?

Just really inconsiderate all the way around. I had to send 2 of this dictator's jobs to QA just in case they could pick up more actual dictation through the background than I could. Thankfully, we aren't penalized where I work for utilizing QA for things like this, but just a waste of resources all the way around.

going postal - UGH

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Now a flipping phone is ringing. This is the longest report I have ever typed.

One more sound happens and I swear, I am going to use my monitor as a punching bag and then call support and tell them that my monitor just went out!

ready to strangle the doc - weekendwarrior

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Oh my, I had one this weekend that obviously had a cold or allergies and kept sniffing throughout the report. I have never abandoned a report nor claimed "power failure" but this doc was on my last nerve. Seriously, at this huge hospital there was not one Kleenex to be found? Oh I could hear the report all right, EXCEPT WHEN HE WAS SNIFFING. The report went straight to the client full of blanks. I was so tempted to write something nasty in the QA box, but I didn't and thought I would let their hospital staff Figure The Rest :)

How about the ones who think ASR - Can interpret a continual YAWN???

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They just yawn and yawn and talk through it. Heck, I cannot even understand my own husband sitting 2 feet away from me when he's trying to yawn AND talk at the same time.

I understand yawning is pretty much an involuntary bodily function, but STOPPING SPEAKING just makes sense while do so, right?

Wrong...These people think we can hear and muddle our way through any bodily noises they choose to subject us to.

Sounds like doc should be called on a HIPPA violation then... - zig

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We're supposed to be so careful and keep everything is hush-hush, make sure we use headphones so nobody can hear the dictation, etc., yet they're dictating from who knows where??? Dogs barking, doors slamming... they're obviously at home. I had a report once and that sounded like the doc was dictating from his kid's soccer game? Is that not a HIPPA violation? Yet we take the crap for it.

I cried yesterday when everybody got a PAID - anonymous

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holiday and I didn't. We get so little PTO and I was trying to save it for a vacation. I rarely complain about my job because my government-employed husband is clueless and just gets mad at me. He thinks I have it so "good" because I don't have to leave the house or dress for work. Nobody except other MQ employees can begin to understand. Am going to the doctor tomorrow. I am scared to death. I walk 3 miles a day, haven't eaten anything tasty in 3-1/2 years, but my blood sugar is still rising, and I have gained 10 pounds. But it will ALL be MY fault. Just something else I have failed at. Sorry, done whining now.

I didnt get a paid holiday - I got NJA

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I will not use my PTO... It will just go unpaid if I cannot make up the hours.

Maybe I will file for partial unemployment! What they are doing to us is unfair.

Same here. Would love to actually take a - NW MT

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vacation but who can afford it between the lousy wages and the fact that we, or at least I never have any real PTO accumulated because it is always being used for NJA days. I lost 7.25 hours on Saturday, 8 hours yesterday both due to NJA and so far am getting NJA this morning. Totally unfair. Is there a union for American MT's?

Whine away. Totally get it here, and totally - agree. Sometimes

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we just need to vent.

vent - i agree with jasmine

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Where does that whining get you? Just keeps you wallowing in your misery. That saying "misery loves company" comes to mind. Try to find some good in your situation, you'll feel better. I think Jasmine's post was pretty right on. I'd love to make a change for the better instead of crying and doing nothing. Time for a change here!
Sure, that works. And sometimes people just - need to vent.
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No shame in that.
re: need to vent - no shame
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True enough. It is shameful though when a person doesn't make a whole-hearted effort to see some good in their situation. I like the post above. I like that Jasmine is so comfortable in her skin that she has created a positive environment for herself. I think I'll try to also.

I come here to whine a lot too, but I rarely get a reply that inspires. Usually everyone else jumps on my crying wagon with me. I guess that is what I liked about her reply.

Whine away - Oh Come On!

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I agree. We are all each other has, at least in the sense that we can understand how we are feeling.

Please just allow us to vent.

Thank you for the pep talk but please do not make us feel as though we are the problem.

It is easy to say "this and that" when you make your lines, get a decent check, pay bills, etc.

But when you have 2 young children, house note, car note, maybe have a little food in the house, lights, etc., and you get no pay or little pay...oh yea, it bothers you.

This economy is spiraling downward. I do not know who Pres. Obama is looking at when he says the economy is on the upswing but I would love for him to visit us, we have restaurants closing right and left, there are 9 houses in my 2-block neighborhood now for sale (were occupied a couple of months ago), and my husband's hours get cut.

So if I can meet with fellow MT's and fellow MQ MT's at that and just vent, please do not deny me. For some of us, we are all we have!

Diabetes - TabbyG

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It will not be your fault. I know they say lose weight, eat right, all that, but diabetes is a disease. It's your pancreas that's not functioning right.

Are you even on medication? You know there's lots of meds and even going to insulin. There is no shame in that.

Don't be scared of your doctor, diabetes, or treatment. If the doctor acts like this is something that YOU did, you need another doctor.

I have steroid-induced diabetes at the moment - TOTALLY sucks

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My entire system is out of whack, blood sugars out of control on dex running 350-660 at any given time, without rhyme or reason. The benefits of the dex were outstanding at first, but now all the "bad" side effects are kicking in and I'm at the mercy of my own body...swollen feet, blurry vision, dizzy, tingling fingertips. It's just a nightmare.

If you're going through something similar, you've sure got MY sympathy, lol! I can't wait for this rollercoaster of side effects to end.
Surgically induced, sm - TabbyG
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I had/still have neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer. I had most of my pancreas and part of my liver resected. Believe me, I know all about out of control with no rhyme or reason. I can drink water and it will go up! Take a walk, it goes up. It's nuts. Insulin is the only thing really helping. Gaining weight though. How about that..On chemo but gaining weight. LOL.

Never had steroids, though.

Can you get sliding scale coverage? Maybe 24-hour longacting? Are you seeing an endocrinologist? I have not because my PCP is pretty good at it, but not all of them really understand.
Thanks for your concern, I have an Endo appt next month - But til then I am spinning in the wind
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And you're right! Drinking water or green tea (which supposedly LOWERS it) makes it jack up to 550 from 350, I'm afraid to eat, I'm afraid to NOT eat. I have zero diabetes experience whatsoever and my husband has been researching it on the internet but the information is so limited it's not really helpful.

We've noticed oddly that it almost requires an Atkins-type diet to keep it under 300 (all meat and cheese and no carbs and sometimes even no veggies). Conversely, sometimes I can eat light carbs (pita bread or whole wheat tortilla or bun) at lunch and it DOESN'T go up. However, if I try ANY carbs at dinnertime, it's through the roof.

They want me to stay on this steroid until my surgery in mid-July and I'm doing my best with it but it's SO confusing and I feel like my body is being ravaged against my will. At this point, I'm sure when I finally see the Endocrinologist, they'll want to put me on insulin for some semblance of control but until then it's 2-1/2 more weeks of spinning in the wind.

I guess I should be giving thanks for the extra energy the dexamethasone gives me...except now I have the tingling in my fingers and feet which makes keep me grounded and holding my balance even trickier.

Ok, I'll stop whining now...I try not to vent too much and just roll with everything because I know it will all be better/over soon and if I focus more on the work issues it keeps my mind off of this circus in which my body currently inhabits, lol!

Thanks again for your concern, and best wishes to you too! ~hugs~
You know, - TabbyG
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I would bet a good deal of your "dealing with work" trouble and "attitude" is simply the high sugar. That can wreak total havoc on your entire self, physical and mental. I get confused, can't see right, time gets away from me, etc.

I know there's really not a lot of helpful diabetes information out there, just the standard watch your diet garbage. Real-world information just doesn't get printed!

Really though, at 550, you should consider going to the ER. That is just way too high. People can go comatose at that level. The ER docs will hook you up with someone and get you an insulin prescription, I bet. That is a PITA, but for you it could just be temporary. I really would not mess around with 500s, though.

For now, as little carbs as possible will be best. If you must have carbs, be sure to eat some serious protein and/or fat with it. Like Alfredo instead of tomato on the whole grain pasta, or lots of cheese and maybe pepperoni with the macaroni. That keeps the glucose from spiking too fast, but it probably will still rise.

I am worried about you now, LOL. I would say get to the ER next time you see 500 or over.

Feel free to email me if you want.

I now have high blood pressure. Doc says it is my job. - So now what?

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I am 5'2" and weighed 123 pounds before the high blood pressure. Since taking high blood pressure pills for the last 5 months, I have gained 28 pounds. I exercise by lifting weights, low impact aerobics and walk 10 miles a week. I eat a very healthy diet, chicken, fish, vegetables and fruit and some grain and healthy oils. My cholesterol is excellent and so is my blood work. Just this dang high blood pressure. Doc says I am stressed out because MQ.
doubt it - what they probably said
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What your doc more than likely said is that your job is a CONTRIBUTING factor, not "the cause", of your high blood pressure. P-L-E-A-S-E...

Next you're gonna tell us that the doc has given you a prescription to quit your job too? I have NEVER typed up a report with the diagnosis of high blood pressure SECONDARY TO JOB!
so what - Shessy
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LOL! I've never seen that in a diagnosis either! (I do understand what the poster was getting at tho!)
re:doubt it - sm
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hey! I want a prescription to quit my job!!!!

Sorry I meant all the people who AREN'T MT's who - got a paid holiday!

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No paid holiday here - sm

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They did their old OT is open trick over the weekend and it totally wiped out Monday's work. NJA all day long. I tried working from 5-5 and got a whole 6 reports. WOW - DON'T CHA JUST LUV THIS COMPANY!!!

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