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Typing Test for Census Bureau? - MT no longer

Posted: Dec 29, 2009

I am going to take the typing test for a data transcriber position at the Census Bureau soon and was wondering if anyone has ever taken this test before?  What do they have you type?  Thanks in advance

Census - anon

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It might be worth it, but with the chance of ACORN running it, I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole, but that's just me and my bias against a mostly corrupt organization. If I answer my door and find out it's them running the census, there will be a resounding slam of my door. Good luck, hon. It may very well be on the up and up and I assume it would be a government job and probably would pay pretty well.

Yes, gov job - MT no longer

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Yes it is a government job. I was a data transcriber for them back in 1990 but we did not have to take a typing test then. Now they require it. All we did was sit and typed straight off the census forms. Very easy job, but only lasts a few months at a time. The only thing that I did not like about it was that I have to drive at least an hour to work and an hour to get home every day and at $13.00 and hour I am just not sure if it is worth it. I can't decide what to do.

Census Pay - Going to Take the Test

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I do not know how easy the test is, but in Georgia the pay starts at $18.75 an hour. It does vary from region to region, but the pay scale does seem to be decent. Good luck
Only $13.22 here in Indiana - MT no longer
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They only pay $13.22/hr here in Indiana but it is suppose to last until September.

Stupid propaganda. - MT88

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There is nothing wrong with ACORN and it has been proven so upon investigation. A judge has stepped in and stopped the idiotic defunding of ACORN based on right wing lies and scapegoating. They had a few bad apples like every organization.

You've swallowed too many lies.

Your message is propaganda itself. - There is nothing wrong with ACORN ????????????

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Have you not been watching or reading the news? Or researching yourself about the company? No, I didn't think so. There are no "right-wing lies and scapegoating". That is a left-wing propaganda statement.

They don't have just a "few bad apples" - their whole group is corrupt from the people who support giving hookers and pimps funding and a business license to do so all the way up to founding brothers who are embezzling money.

That group is so corrupt to the core, but then again the left-wing lies have some people fooled. But of course since they support your group in the WH and congress you approve of the corruptness I see.

Data transcriber - Needajob

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I'm sorry but I don't know anything about the typing test. However, I did go to the web site to find out more about this job title but could not find it anywhere. Are you willing to share where you found this? Can it be done from your home computer or do you have to go to an office of the census bureau? Don't really qualify to be a census taker as I don't have transportation to get anywhere, but could work from home. Thanks for the info.

Job at the Census Bureau - MT no longer

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This job is at a office in a Census Bureau office. They usually hire about 100 data transcribers. I found it on one of the government job sites usjobs or something like that

Sounds like at site job and only 3 cities in the U.S. will have - processing centers

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Here is some information that might be of interest to you. 


     The U.S. Census Bureau opened a data processing center in Jeffersonville, Indiana, which will process 58 million 2010 Census forms completed by households in 10 states. The new facility will be at the Census Bureau's National Processing Center (NPC) and will employ approximately 1,350 people.

     The Jeffersonville Data Processing Center is one of three sites nationwide where completed 2010 Census forms will be processed as they are mailed back by households starting next March. The NPC expects to process completed 2010 Census forms from West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan - representing about 20 percent of the total number of forms expected to be received nationwide.

     The remaining forms will be sent to data capture centers in Phoenix and Baltimore. The 2010 Census forms will be mailed to households in March, and the majority of the data processing will occur between March and July.

     The NPC is hiring staff for 2010 Census operations, including clerks and statistical clerks/data transcribers. Job descriptions and applications are available now at usajobs .gov. The NPC employment level at peak census processing will be approximately 5,000 people.

     Each worker will take a lifetime oath to keep census information confidential. By law, the Census Bureau cannot share respondents' answers with any other government or law enforcement agency. Any violation of that oath is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and five years in prison.



Statistical Clerk (Data Transcribing), GG-1531-04

Commerce, Bureau of the Census







USA  -INDIANA   -Clark & Floyd Counties 

Tour of Duty: Monday through Friday, Day Shift (predominately 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.) and Night Shift (4:00 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.) Employees are paid 10% night differential ($14.50 per hour)

Vacancy Ann #:  NPC-2010-0018

Who May Apply:  Public

Pay Plan:  GG-1531/04-04

Appointment Term:  Temporary

Job Status:  Full-Time

Opening Date:  12/24/2009

Salary Range:  From $27,504.00 to $27,504.00 USD per year


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