A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Does anyone have any information on the Bureau of Office Services, Inc. (BOS) sm - speedyfingerz
Posted: Mar 31, 2010
How are they to work for? What is the pay scale like? Platform? The ad indicates that benefits are included for FT employees - are they expensive? TIA.
I called and spoke with them - Luv2type
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He basically said that he would be choosing all of the MTs who had VA Clearance already on file, first.
Well gee, how do you go about getting VA clearance? - mrs.krabs
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I thought once you were offered a job that they would tell you how to get clearance. Is there a way to speed this up and do it now?
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Most of them want the fingerprints electronic. The VA if hired will send you paperwork to fill out.
Fingerprints - dmz
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I had my fingerprinting done at our local police station for $10. :) There is a website for VA clearance stuff that I had to go to and complete the forms, print them off and mail them to the VA.
It kind of sounded like you had to have worked - for a VA facility
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to get clearance/background check. I work for an MTSO and do only VA work, but I don't recall signing an agreement for a background check, so I'm almost 100% sure I haven't had one. I tend to just read, sign, and go on though, and it would have been a non-issue for me, so I suppose I could have agreed and don't recall.
As for the Cyber Security and Privacy Policy training/certificates, you have to have a password given to you to even access those sites, so I don't think you could do that without already being employed by a VA-contracted company. I have to retake those every year with my company.
It was a long time ago when I last did VA, like 1992. - mrs.krabs
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There were no background checks. Worked for a small transcription company. How bad is the dictation? Lots of ESL's? I found most of the doctors came over from the university hospital that I also transcribed for at the time. I just wonder if this is worth pursuing? I'm just needing part-time work. No benefits. How is the BOS Med-Rite/Crescendo platform to work on? I've got many pokers in the fire, just waiting to hear from someone.
I don't work for BOS, but - my accounts
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have pretty good dictators. Some ESLs, but they are pretty easy to understand once you get used to them. Just depends on the account you get. My secondary account is appreciably harder to understand than my primary, and the weird thing is, how does it happen that an entire VA facility (almost) ALL talk fast, and ANOTHER entire VA facility talks at a normal speed? They're both in California, not far from each other...go figure.
They were advertising for a VA account and a radiology account on October 7 or 8 but it appears as if all the posts have been removed. Is this a legitimate company? I checked out their web site, it looked okay to me. Does anyone have any information that they would be willing to share? Thanks ...
They had an ad up a while back for VA transcriptionists. I'm wondering if anyone currently works for them and what the platform, pay, etc., are like. ...
Thought the suits might be interested to see "comparable wages" in my neck of the woods.
Preferred familiarity with medical terminology. Demonstrates courtesy, attitude, respect and enthusiasm (C.A.R.E.) in all interactions....
$11.72 - $13.46 an hour
Owing to disability and not being able to dig my car out of the driveway every day in winter, I cannot even apply for this. Boy, sure would be nice to earn a living like this on a daily, steady, hourly basis (working with nice people every day). ...
Their ad is verbatim an ad I applied to Smart Doc for (and am still waiting to start for a month now). I'm wondering if they are doing the same accounts since the specifications are not necessarily the usual job ads.
Has anyone worked for them to know what their story is? ...
New ad today for Onc "proofreader". Please see thread on this company from 2/26/2014: forum.mtstars.com/529160.html before sending your personal info. This was a long ad that that was mostly copied from another MTSO's ad. ...
Anyone know any current information on OLA Corporate Services in California? Are they still in business and do they offer psychiatric reports/work? If so, what's the e-mail contact? Thanks! ...
Any information on Midwest Transcription Services, LLC who have a job posting on MTStars?
Searching the name produced the following result. There does not seem to be any website and the address appears to be residential.
Is this the correct info for Midwest Transcription Services, LLC?
Midwest Transcription Services LLC
2012 Melody LaneWaukesha, WI 53186-2813
(262) 524-9282
One curious thing. If you look at other Google matches, there ar ...
Numerous cc's not in the database which have to be added, address and all. Short reports, of course, that take 3x longer than the dictation time. Just shoot me now.
I can't wait until I get a new job! Came close today - job lead was 1/2 day too late. :-( Hopefully the other person won't work out :-} ...
I'm starting with a new company next week. My Windows 7 PC has Office 2013 Professional. The new company's platform is only compatible with 2010 or earlier. I don't have the money to spend on 2010, so I'll either have to decline the offer or try to find a way to install 2010 cheaply. I thought I might be able to download a version for free, since it's not the newest version, but it doesn't look like I can do that. Any ideas? ...
I am going to take the typing test for a data transcriber position at the Census Bureau soon and was wondering if anyone has ever taken this test before? What do they have you type? Thanks in advance ...
From the BLS website:
Job Outlook Medical TranscriptionistsPercent change in employment, projected 2010-20Other Healthcare Support Occupations - 25% Total, All Occupations - 14% Medical Transcriptionists - 6% Employment of medical transcriptionists is expected to grow 6 percent from 2010 to 2020, slower than the average for all occupations. The volume of healthcare services is expected to continue to increase, resulting in a growing number of medical tests and procedures, all ...
I'm a pretty new MT. I've only been working for about a year. I didn't know how little I was going to make when I trained for this--more or less minimum wage. If one were to research it even today on the Internet, they wouldn't know either by looking at government site Bureau of Labor Statistics. According to its site, the median wage in May,2012 is $34,020. That would make it about $18.00 hour, which I'm sure would make you all stop complaining. So has medical tran ...
Hello all,
Has anyone had any dealings with Audio Transcription Center, which is apparently part of or associated with the Skill Bureau? I got an email saying they wanted to talk tp me after I had already trained for a co. I was not excited about but needed a job. They want a typing test and then 4 audio files to be done for testing. It's an IC position. Could not get much information on the phone from the placement person. Would be interested in any opinions/knowle ...
Any information on Hypertype? Good, bad, and ugly, pay scale, platform? TIA. I have passed the test which I took a little more than a week ago. They want to set up a phone interview but I want to know upfront what current ICs think. Are they flexible. Do you have a schedule. Saw through the archives that the pay is low but how low is low? TIA. ...
I want to redo my office space. It's just a little corner in my bedroom because I live in a small townhouse where I rent but I need to freshen things up before I die of boredom. So what kind of desk, chair, keyboard, headphones, monitor, artwork, etc. make your workspace comfy? :) ...
I want to reorganize my home office. Where is a good place to look for U-shaped desks? I have 2 computrers with 3 CPUs, printer, fax and reference books, not to mention 3 foot pedals, a mini casette transcriber, office files, multiple 3-ring binders, etc. etc. It would be so nice if it was compact, not spread out over the whole room - everything nice and neat and within reach. Is ths possible? and where do I start? TIA. ...
I will be placing this on the comedy board also, but since we at the evil Q have had such a bad day, I thought I would post it here also. Enjoy the laughs.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkN1LcuMoJw ...
I applied to this company a week ago and they had called me back for a phone interview yesterday. They told me in an email that my scores were great, etc. After the phone interview (which I thought went well) the woman told me that I would be contacted later that same day. Well, she contacted me back about an hour later and said I was not a good fit for the company. Does not make sense to me whatsoever!
I am glad I didn't get the job, I don't think I wanted to ...