A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

To Admin & Everyone - Rose

Posted: May 24, 2014

Can the Main Board be merged with the VR Board since most of us are editors now?

FYI...many of us still do straight transcription. - sm

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Personally, I am not interested in reading posts about VR and would prefer the boards be kept separate.

me too - floridagram

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I am working three jobs and ALL of them are straight transcription, so no, not interested in having a "merging of the boards."

me three. Two current jobs, and every in the past, all straight typing. - east coast-west coast. sm

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Oh, good Lord, no. Combining boards is a bad idea.

Please do not speak for others, Rose.
I second the motion, Rose - Linda
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Please do not speak for me or for others.

There is still straight transcription out there?! - Depressed

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Where, lol????????????????????? I
HATE VR!!!!!!!!

Yes there are - Floridagram

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All three positions that I currently hold which are ST, I found on here recently. Sent my resume and got an IMMEDIATE response to all three and only tested for one. Just have to look and see what is out there

I do straight transcription in a private practice. - Feather Tuscadero

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For an hourly rate, too!

I think they're speaking in terms of MTSOs. Not easy - to find straight typing with them.

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Straight Transcription - I do it
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My accounts at a large MTSO are straight transcription, but trust me, you wouldn't want to work there. I've only got 3 weeks left and then I'm outta there.

Merging boards - Leximomma

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I also have never done VR.. my job is all straight transcription....Don't merge boards!

You don't understand - xx

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Rose's experience is the only valid experience, so everyone else has to do what she wants to do. No one else is nearly as important as she is.

Thank you for saying that. - Wanted to, myself.

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She's never wrong.
Me too! - Sorry, Rose, but at times
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you come across as rather condescending and know-it-all. We don't all bow down to you.
Me too - there are a lot of
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are condescending and know-it-all on this board. I think most of the time Rose tries to give helpful info. Most that are snarky or know-it-all don't identify themselves, wonder why? With their remarks I wouldn't either!!
Where's your moniker? - sm
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I've never used one and have no idea what name I used when I signed up because I started out posting without it and have been doing so every since.

It's an anonymous board and that's my right. I noticed you along with many others in this thread didn't use one either.

Another thing I noticed is the number of people in this thread ganging up on one person. I think that's pretty snarky if you ask me. And ironically, you didn't comment on them not using a moniker to identify themselves.
I like you like to - remain
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anonymous. I don't like people ganging up on one person either and seems happens a lot.

What is your problem?? (sm) - Rose

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I can see why people do not like to use their names on this board, because it gives the hate mongers someone to attack. Your words have absolutely no basis. If they did, you wouldn't be afraid to use your name.
I dont want to be reminded on a daily basis what MT has come to. - I dont go to VR board for a reason. nm
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Some think her words do have a ring of truth. And she could put a name, but - how do we know it is real name? SM
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How do we know your name is really Rose? An anonymous board you don't know who is who. And even if she did give her name, so what? What would that mean, what would happen?
Duhhh!! Who uses their real name on a msg board? - sm
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MT stars encourages people to protect their identity; read the posting rules or whatever they're called.

How much do you want to bet that if she used no screen name at all, she wouldn't have gotten attacked like this? People would have disagreed, but it wouldn't have been on such a personal level.
Unaware of VR Board here.... - VRGirl
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Didn't realize the main board was for straight transcription only. Did not even notice the separate VR board. Don't most of us do a little of both?
I was quite amazed as so many who still claim to do straight typing 100% of the time. Thought that was pretty much being phased out.

Thanks, Rose, for the comment, I learned something new.
I'm shocked at the number of people - claiming to only do
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Straight typing. It's been my impression that the majority here do VR. This is the first time I've ever seen so many claiming to have not one, but multiple straight typing jobs.

The VR board doesn't get many hits, so I could care less whether they're merged or not plus, I only come here in spurts.
I have also never done VR - sm
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However, since VR seems to be unavoidable at some point, I have no choice but to plan my exit from MT completely.
No longer doing this job, but still visit the board occasionally - sm
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I've been gone over a year and when I left straight typing was far and few between.
In 18 years of MT, for MTSO and private, I've never done VR. nm - The jobs still exist
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Look at the whole page when you are here. all boards - listed right there to the left, plain as day. NM
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I'm amazed at the amount of people who don't see that or see it and don't get it.
The problem - xx
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is that you made an assumption about everyone's experience based on your own experience. Then you basically declared the need to make a change on the basis of your experience alone. You appear not to have given any consideration to the idea that other people might not be in favor of doing what you want or even that other people's experience might not match yours. You just declared it should be done because you wanted it.


That is the problem.
The problem-xx - is that
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you seem to like to judge. A suggestion was made, not a demand. You obviously don't agree but to call someone arrogant???
she is correct in my opinion, and to the statement of not giving - names - small msg.
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it is a anonymous board...period. People do not want to get called out by their places of employment, especially when asked about specific MTSOs and their habits. Has nothing to do with each other as MTs. There is a bigger picture that we all revolve in and it's not so damned close to the screen.
? - ?
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The problem isn't just - that one post.
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The problem isn't just that one post. It is that post seen in the light of the rest of her posts, which tend to present her often erroneous beliefs as fact.

In this post she does not ask opinions, but speaks for others, going right to asking the mod for a change, citing her belief that everyone is an editor. As you can now see, everyone is not an editor. And they don't like being spoken for.

When someone objects, she diverts the discussion by pointing out that the objector is hiding behind anonymity, noting that she uses her name. This is in spite of several other threads in which it was pointed out to her that everyone here is anonymous, including her. There is no way to tell if her name is Rose, nor does it matter.

Elsewhere on this board are other posts which contain dogmatic opinions about VR, EHRs, and everything else that are just wrong. It makes no difference that people disagree and present evidence to back it up. She doesn't listen and keeps right on posting the same things, often to the detriment of others.

Yes! Well said. - nm
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She did not speak for others - See msg
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Re-read her origina post. She posted "to admin & everyone, can we please..."

She used the words "can and please." That doesn't sound like a declaration to me, nor does it sound lime her speaking for everyone else. She *asked a question. Big difference.
Correction, she didn't say please, but she DID ask - not declare.
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Just an observation - MT Mom

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Rose needs to remember that she gets one vote--for herself only. Perhaps she needs to spend more time working?
She needs to spend more time woking? How do you - know? Maybe she is part-time.
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Are you seriously watching her like that, keeping up with the amount of time she spends on this board? How creepy.

The VR board is where you are suppose to report VR garbage that - is sad, but some think is funny. SM

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Keep it away from here where we wont have to be reminded about the sad state our world has come to.

Main board be merged - with VR

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Maybe I am doing something wrong but mine is. I get all the posts when I go to the main board.

Some people (and Rose is one) post in the wrong places. - Pick off the lst to the left and post appropriatel

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please. Get your ducks in a row and spare the rest of us the grief of merging boards. In other words, the board's not broken - you are.

Straight typing here as well - OHMT

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I do straight typing as well, please don't merge with VR.

Why would you even want to do that? - SM

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When you first start doing VR, you find it funny, but it gets old really fast, not funny any more. There's really nothing more to be said about it, we all know it sucks, so why clutter up the main board with all the "penis funnies" and so on? Maybe the VR and Comedy boards should be merged instead.

so true - anon

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And thanks for the chuckle of the day.

Agree. Wish others could have voiced opinions without - being nasty about it.

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rose needs her own board...period. That way, no one - has to sift through anything for a good read. NM

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Just my humble opinion based on experience. Hard enough to stay positive in MT industry without having it all up in my face here, and with the time I have left, my ONLY way out of the perils of transcription is to stop wallowing in the misery. Not an easy task, but OMG what a difference in my life! :o)

Twisted Drama - Rose

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I had no idea that asking a simple question: "Can the Main Board be merged with the VR Board?" would stir such controversy. The VR board only gets 1 post a day, if any.

These mean comment take me back to 8th grade when an innocent question is turned into something that "warrants" an attack...

"Rose's experience is the only valid experience, so everyone else has to do what she wants to do. No one else is nearly as important as she is"

"She's never wrong"

"You come across as rather condescending and know-it-all. We don't all bow down to you.

"You appear not to have given any consideration to the idea that other people might not be in favor of doing what you want. You just declared it should be done because you wanted it"

"Perhaps she needs to spend more time working?"

The majority who communicate civilly with feedback, ideas, discussions, answers and possible solutions to improve our current situations are what makes this board worth coming to. Thanks to those with nice things to say!

Twisted Drama - Anon

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I agree. I thought it was a good and perfectly legitimate question -- and even if some thought it wasn't -- Jeesh - so touchy.

No, just fed up to here with nonsense, as in no sense at all. - anon. NM

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VR is only half the problem... - Bad dictators are the other half.

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Today, VR said "The patient had pain in Bernice". Should have been "The patient had pain in both of her knees". I corrected it.

The dictator was lousy, as well as the editing program. Two wrongs don't make a right, though, I guess. :p

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