A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I would like to nominate Briana - sm

Posted: Feb 12, 2012

for the position of official MT spokesperson :)  You rock!

I second the motion! - Old and Tired MT

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She tells it like it is-- just like I do. However, I have discovered that most people do not want to hear the truth but would rather think everything is "sunshine and lollipops"----.

Briana would have to reveal herself... - wheres_my_job

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...or maybe not? How do you become a spokesperson, and yet hide who you are? Just get interviewed in the dark, like you see sometimes, with your own voice disguised?

Think what that means...you live in the USA, you've got a pile of job crap to deal with (or escape from, whatever the case may be) - and yet you've got to worry about the repercussions (hi, I'm Sue Smith, and here's the truth about my job - hopefully, I'll still be able to GET a job, after I tell the truth about this one!)

Call it Whistleblower syndrome. For some reason, Sunflower syndrome pops into my head - doesn't that sound better? I only see sunshine and flowers, and nuthin' else...doc, whatever is the matter with me?


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I totally agree! There are lots worse jobs for even less money, and even MORE people without jobs at all!

we already - mtmg

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have a talking head AHDI. I don't want them talking for me any more than I want Briana. But I know, this is a joke, right? IMO, Briana's TIC comments do nothing to help an MT in any way.

she would probably end up - like Silkwood

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meeting a mysterious demise at the hands of the Modesto Mobsters!

Modesto/MModal Mobsters - they are in bed together

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and they sneakily steal from MTs, so watch out.

Must everything "help"? Can anything "help"? - Briana

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And incidentally, I think that it can be helpful to some to express, and perhaps try to find some degree of humor in, the things that are going on in this field.

I say "helpful to some", but if you're not among them please feel free to ignore my posts. I won't be mad.

Really, I won't.

Maybe it's time we had a real MT speaking for us, - instead of the AHDI con-artists. -nm-

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Speaking for us to who? - nm

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It's far too late for that. NM - EMR

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I'll speak for myself thanks! - I am my own best cheerleader.

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Exactly why we've never had a voice - loud enough to be heard.

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Being an old broad, I've seen it time and time again. Let anyone suggest - even in an off-hand way such as this thread - that our profession needs to unify around anything - whether it be a person, an idea, a principle, an organization or whatever - and out come the boo-birds who make it perfectly clear why it suits "the suits" to keep us isolated and alone, aside from whatever shallow relationships we manage to scrape up online.

Loud enough to be heard - my voice is

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So if we disagree with you, we are wrong? Do I have that correct? I am and always have been my own best advocate. I don't need someone who writes well while belittling under the guise of humor claiming to represent ME. I made a good living doing MT. I love the company I work for. I love my job and my bank account reflects that.

Remember, the posters here are a tiny drop in the world that is transcription. Ginning up support (actively or passively) while putting down the profession puts me off as it likely does most happily employed transcriptionists.
And I say more power to you! - Briana
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For just as long as you can convince yourselves that most MTs are "happy", you go, girl! Delusion can be even better than booze to get you through the night.

We all understand that MT Stars doesn't enjoy the membership of *every* MT in the world, but you make an enormous mistake if you don't think it's pretty representative of that world.

Now, if you have some concrete EVIDENCE of this inexpressible MT joy bubbling all over the place, kindly provide it. Show me the survey. Show me proof.

Otherwise, while my view of what has happened to this field over the last couple of decades might not be as "sunny" as yours, I'd bet more than a small piece of the farm that it's way more accurate.

Happy - mtlt
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I was unemployed for two years before I started the job I have working in MT now. I'd say that I'm pretty happy after having no income and having to live on stale crackers for about six months.
"Just having a job" is indeed a step up from UE, but - its still a far cry from financial security. -nm-
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Financial security - mtlt
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I am now making twice what I was making when I was going to another location to work plus I am buying a house and land with what I make now. I also have enough money put back to live on for a few months in an emergency and I am able to build that up as well.

I think the "boo-birds" are in bed with the suits. - MTs want improvements; the suits do not. -nm-

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Spokesperson to who and for what exactly? - nm

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I nominate fortitude! - ohmy

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Look. Everyone besides wealthy people have or have had the same problems we are having with the advent of technology. Look around you. Seriously. We act like we are the only poor group on the playground getting picked on. If people couldn't foresee the "old-fashioned" MT disappearing, then that is sad. And, yes, I was out of work at one time, and, yes, we foreclosed on a home. So, I know it's hard.

And, who the heck is Briana? Heck, HITLER was a good writer, too!! Who cares. Just another one who doesn't have a voice in their real life.

Hitler was not a good writer - wheres_my_job

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Actually, no. Just an antisemitic spewer of hate and warped ideas.

writing - nutti

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Of course he is. I agree. But, look at how many thousands of copies of Mein Kampf have been sold. And, yes, I'm aware he dictated most of it in prison, but he also spent a considerable amount of time in the second volume.

Antisemites can be good writers, too. That is exactly the point I was making. Therefore, lots of people followed him. A disgusting shame.
no, he wasn't a good writer - wheres_my_job
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actually, no, antisemites CAN'T be good writers, because to be antisemitic is to be inherently illogical. And just because crazy people buy books (I have no idea how many copies sold, it is revolting to even contemplate), doesn't mean they read them - plenty of people have books they don't read (think of dusty copies of the bible lying around)

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