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Need attorney - Stephanie

Posted: Aug 04, 2013

I'm working for a company that I feel is gyping me over on pay.  I am a very experienced MT, working for a company...they have me on over 15 accounts and using over 6 different platforms.  I work the graveyard shift and cover all stats.  I get paid $1.20 a report (radiology and cardiology).  My base rate pay is $12.44 an hour.  Sometimes I can only type 4-5 reports in an hour (long cardiology and ESL doctors who you can't understand).  I can type up to 20 reports an hour or more of regular radiology.  But because I am spread so thin to cover all these accounts, going back and forth, having to relog to the system because it timed out while I was on another account, I am not making any real money.  $4.80 an hour in unacceptable!!!  I feel that in cases like this, they should pay me the balance of what my hourly rate would be.  I'm looking for a very good attorney to get over a year of back pay and quit this place.  Does anyone know of a very good attorney who does this type of stuff?  VERY DISAPPOINTED in this company, but I know that other companies are screwing over employees just as well. 

Why not try the one that is suing Transcend" - Dolley is the name

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Google the lawsuit and allt info is there for the taking.

MT - Stephanie

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Thanks, I have sent him an email. Hope he can help or direct me to whomever if he is not the right one.

contact the Department of Labor - sm

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The DOL will investigate this for free on your behalf, as well as recover lost wages if they find that the company cheated you. You don't need to pay for a lawyer. Try this as your first step.

I have called numerous times in 2 states where - I loved, nothing can be done.

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If company discriminates you for age, gender, race, etc., there is nothing that can be done. Yes, the Labor Board knows the MTSO companies are HORRIBLE and how they treat MTs, but if the MTs do not like it, then they need to find another job.

I don't understand what you're saying - sm

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this is a wage issue, not a discrimination issue. Not sure if you are the OP.
I know what she is saying is - - Same Experience
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Like her I contacted Wage & Hour on a wage dispute, for 24 months I received a form letter to advise me they were working on my claim.

Month 25 I got a final letter saying, "Thank you for contacting our office, but we regretfully inform you that your claim has reached the statute of limitations."

Whereby they did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, except send form letters. I called Wage and Hour and said, "Obviously if this is the best you can do . . . perhaps your office has outlived its usefulness and considering you are worthless we should seriously consider closing that office down!"
Maybe they're too small and primitive to handle - the nationwide scope of the problem. (nm)
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Attorney - Stephanie
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I think buying out medquist and 60 other companies classifies them at big-wigs.

google employee rights attorney for some in your area for free - consultations and pick one if no referral. s/m

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Schedule a few consultations, see who you feel comfortable with.

Best wishes to a favorable outcome.

Not to rain on anyone's - lawsuit,

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but wouldn't you have been able to figure out this was a rip-off after about a week (or less) of working there?

MT - Stephanie

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Not necessarily...I started was part time. Never enough work to do. They overhired and then fired, then they had openings. Slowly my boss gave me more accounts, but I kept running out of work. For the past 4 months they've amped me up with all these accounts and I am making less than what I did when I was part time! After these 4 months and thinking this would be good, it has not been good and I'm ready to quit. Have a phone conference with my boss and VP of Transcription of the company on Thursday.

MT - Stephanie

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What is happening, is that late in the night, I get all the stat work and ESL doctors (English second language). I get paid $1.20 (cardiology and radiology) per report. Last night (and many many many nights also) I typed 4 reports in an hour. That's $4.80 an hour!!! My base rate is $12.44 an hour. I feel that when production is below the base rate, they need to reimburse you the difference. Is it my fault I am good and can do any account and they have spread me too thin to be able to even get a good production count? I could type 15-20 regular x-rays in an hour, if you gave me just those. I realize I need to do the big jobs as well as the little jobs, but while I'm doing these very difficult accounts, others are picking up the fast small jobs and they're gone when I get to them (that's how they have my queue set up).

The other problem, is, they require you to type 12 reports an hour. Because I couldn't do that, they decreased my base rate to $11.36, and that affects my benefits and time off, vacation, etc.

You are required to type 12 reports an hour. If you don't, you get written up for poor production. As well, if there is no work, let's say you log on for your 8-hour shift, if there is no work, you need to log off the system timeclock and relog back on when there is work. You could conceivably put in 10-12 hours of your time just to be able to get in 8 hours of "actual work." If you don't have 40 hours logged on your timecard of actual work done, then you get written up as well!!

12 Reports an hour - greyhoundmom45

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What if you do not have enough work to do in your 8 hours and then even after 8 more hours. Do they expect you to keep on logging on and off for 16 hours (just an example) in order to get your lines in.

It sounds illegal to me when they cut your pay if you don't type the 12 reports in an hour. Too many factors that can prohibit you from typing the 12 reports in an hour.

Attorney - Stephanie

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If you log in for your 8 hours and there is no work, you need to clock out and then clock back in when there is work. It could take you 10-15 hours to get 8 hours of actual work in.....

File for partial unemployment... - MT

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I assume you are an employee. You need to file for partial unemployment. You should be making minimum wage at the least. Also, they cannot require you to keep checking in; otherwise, they have to pay you for the time you are sitting there waiting. If you are an IC, then you will need an attorney to look into your contract. Either way, I personally would find another job. Any company that treats you this way is not worth staying with regardless.

Attorney - Stephanie

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Yes, I am an employee. I have many other IC status jobs to fall back on. I'm keeping a log of everything starting last night, that way when the attorney contacts me, I have proof. I've forwarded all emails and write-ups to my home personal computer. One week you are #1 MT of month, the next month they are writing you up for noncompliance! They sure are sneaky about their practices, that's for sure!
Stephanie - BTDT
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I support you in getting paid what you're worth. However, you do realize that most lawyers charge around $400 an hour, yes?
You are aware some states require attorneys - to do so much pro bono work -Yes?
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I was an employee at 2 places that had weekend accounts where you did notknow - when the radiologist would come read

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and was required to "check in" all day into evening to catch 30-bucks worth or so of work. One large national, one rinky-dink out of Colorado. Neither gave consideration to your time past 8 hours - but boy if there was work left over that you missed - GREAT BALLS ON FIRE!!

Needless to say - they hire all the time for these accounts.

Laid off with the same company for years - No negative reason given why.

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I have an AA degree with a certificate in Medical Transcription/Medical Secretary back in 1988. I had one interview in my life for an MT position and here I am today. After all the company merges and buyouts, MModal was my last employer after 26 years dealing with this crap of management.

About 4-5 years ago I received a letter stating I was grandfathered in and was going to make a base pay like everyone else. Basically, I lost all 3 raises that I received in the last 20 years. Since then, I am finding out other MTs are making way more, but they came in AFTER the grandfather base pay letter.

Then I started running out of work. It was as if the company was trying to MAKE their employees quit. I WOULD NEVER QUIT! I ended up going back to college to try and find something quickly to replace being a medical transcriptionist. Because I had Biology classes that were too old, I had to take a lot of prerequisites before the core classes. After 3 years, I finished college and ended up with a part time job all the while still working for MM.

Starting last September (almost a year ago), I again ran out of work where my paychecks were just under $100 dollars for 2 weeks. I STILL WOULD NOT QUIT! I did okay with this account I had for 6 years. I had an average of 320-340 lines per hour doing voice recognition, ASR. I won $250 dollars last Novemeber for receiving 100% on my QA reports. Whenever any MT receives 100% QA work, their name gets tossed in a hat and then at the end, there is a drawing and I won.

About 4 months later, I was moved to another group, ANOTHER manager, and a new account because supposedly the account that I have worked on for the last 6 years was overstaffed and there were new employees that were also put on my account after myself.

With the new account, I was making around 170-190 an hour, ASR work. If you do the math, I was making under minimum wage for my state which is $8.95 an hour. Washington State is at $9.19 an hour. The average state in the USA is $7.25. I still would not quit!

Then a few months later, I started running out of work no matter what days or hours I would work. I was told from MModal they could not legally penalize me by letting me go if I make less than minimum wage for my state because I am making above the 120 line per minute for ASR which they have just increased it to 150, and I still was making above that, but under minimum wage for my state. Yes, MM has paid out of their pocket to pay my minimum wage for a few weeks, but that is not my problem by them moving me to a new account.

Then I received a call saying I was an excellent employee, there is nothing that I did wrong, but they are overstaffed on this account and I was let go. I can use my manager as for references for other new jobs and blah, blah, blah. I was NOT GIVEN A REASON about myself as my performance as an MT or as to why I was let go. Just quite a few accounts are overstaffed with MTs. I have a friend who also moved to another group the same time I was moved, but she was let go in April and was given the same speech as I did about being laid off.

MModal is an At-Will company. I remember I had to show up in my area where I lived to sign this letter (at the time company was Medquist) that the company was changing to At-Will, but funny thing is I crossed out that whole section out about being an At-Will employee and wrote in my own words, I DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS AT ALL OR APPROVE OF IT.

As for being moved to the new account? There were I think about 6 of us who were moved to different groups. One of my friends was let go a few months later in April. My other friend who I have known for 22 years is still working on my old account, but she runs out of work. My other friend who wants to be laid off is still on the old account, but runs out of work.

There were quite a few let go last April, however, at the end of this July, there were may more MM employees let go than any other time in the company.

I am just glad I had a backup plan to get out of transcription work. I will NEVER be a medical transcriptionist ever again in my life time. I am done being treated like crap and especially when it comes to the holidays because of having to work but only to have no work and not get paid, and not being with family, and having a job to stare at you in the face in your home 24/7. With my new job, I currently leave the work in the office and relax coming at home. I get paid now for going to the bathroom, hanging up Christmas lights, and when the major holidays come up, I get paid for not working and instead I get paid for spending time with my family.

No reason given - Rosepetal

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If it is a right-to-work state, they don't have to give a reason.

The state I live in is a NOT right to work state. - Oh well, I am better off anyway.

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I am thankful this all happened because I cannot tell you how much it feels to have all that pressure and stress lifted off of me. It is amazing and I have had good night sleeps too without having to get up and check to see if there is a report to type so I can get my hours in. :)

Need Attprney - greyhoundmom

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It is a shame that you are only getting paid $1.20 for cardiology reports. I get paid $4 a report.

makes no sense - sm

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I'm NOT supporting MTSOs that do not pay, but you apparently agreed to this pay package, right?

It's sort of like going into a restaurant every night for a year and ordering a different dish and paying a high price for it. Then after a year you hated all the dishes and want your money back.

I dont think you'd likely have a lawsuit but good luck finding out if you do. Apparently, you're still working there so the steak ain't all that bad.

Attorney - Stephanie

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NO! I didn't agree to be jacked around. The steak is very rotten...but I still need to eat fool.

Attorney - Stephanie

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What makes sense is bringing this company to a head and letting everyone know what they are doing. I realize it may take years for anything if it will happen. By then I will be long gone, but I am standing up for my rights as well as other transcriptionists! I've been doing this for over 35 years and the last 10 years or more I've been a slave to this industry. NO MORE! I see newbies writing asking questions about all these low-life companies that are using you like a gaunt guinea pig, thinking that you will be getting plenty fat, but then you starve to death on the rotten steak.

Attorney - Stephanie

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This is not my only job. It is my only job that I am employee status and looking for benefits and health insurance. All the other GREAT IC positions I have are 1-2 hours a day with great dictators, I've been with them for over 4 years for two places and over a year for one other. The work is part time and not enough to give me what I need to pay the bills. That's when I went to work for this other company. Please don't tear me down for working for a company who is supposed to a rose when you start but then starts to smell like rotten fish the more you get involved in their infrastructure....it has happened to probably everyone, you get brought in, given a great account, and as soon as you feel comfortable, they switch you around and screw you over, giving the easy stuff to the newbies and harder stuff the more experienced, but we are all paid the same....hmm that just doesn't sit right with me! I've spent over 35 years just to be given back burner on the good work that I can make better money at? That is not fair! I will continue with this employer and have my phone conference and negotiate better wages, but I am writing down everything that I do and saving it for the lawyer. I don't care if I get a dime (however it would be very nice for all the hard work and time I have put in and not compensated for), but mostly want this company known for what it is doing and possibly get a verdict for ANY txist who wants to come onboard. Again, after 35 years, and MANY other txists can verify this, this job is not what it used to be and I am now saying I HATE THIS JOB (meaning the employer), when I really love to type. I love my other jobs....
Stephanie - No cheese with that whine
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You don't like it. We get that. So leave already.
To Cheesy - MT
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No, I don't believe you do get it! You must be a newbie, think these companies are golden, just wait a little longer, don't come whining when it happens, for no one will listen to you, Ms. Cheesy.

Stephanie - BTDT

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What makes sense is taking PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for your well-being. Ask yourself honestly if you belong in MT. Maybe you do, maybe you don't. But I hear an awful lot of "they're doing it to me" in your message. You can change companies. You can leave MT. But first of all, take personal responsibility. It will empower you in a way that whining will not. Good luck to you!
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I've been doing this for over 35 years....what you don't all understand that these companies are taking advantage of every single one of you! Yes you can leave but after 35 years of doing one thing, what is left? I'm in my 50s.... slowly but surely it will happen to all of you and then I don't want to hear any of you whining! Just try finding another job, putting out so many resumes, waiting 3-4 weeks to hear nothing. YES, I am very good at what I do. I train other MTs. I should be an instructor of MT. Some of your posts got it right on, you know what is happening out there, you know, the great MTs who lost their jobs for no good reason, only to have newbies take your job...because the companies know they can hire someone much cheaper and let QA handle the rest. I just hope none of you get to this point and then say OH NO, why did this happen to me! It's people like me standing up for our rights and letting others out there know what is going on. Yes, I'll go back to being a paramedic or 911 dispatcher, would have loved to remain at home with my son, but this job is for the birds now. And yes, the attorney has contacted me and I DO HAVE A CASE!!! ANYONE ELSE WANT TO JOIN IN?
BTDT - Miss Mina
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WAY TO GO STEPHANIE! I appreciate what you have told us. These newbies are morons and have no clue what is in store for them. I too have been in this business for over 25 years and have experienced exactly what you are saying. The companies that are doing this to you are quite a few! I have experienced the same thing with Keystrokes, Mmodal, MedQuist, Spheris, Edix, Inscribe, Transcend, and many, many more. Once they know you have figured out their scam, they either let you go or give you such bad accounts that you end up quitting ajnd maybe this is what they are doing to you, tryihng to force you to quit. Thank you again for your dedication, and yes, I do get it too.

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