A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

MTs can't get a union going but medical pot - growers are represented by Teamsters now. LOL

Posted: Sep 20, 2010


knew I was in the wrong line of business...(n/m) - bojangles

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Only A Union Can Call A Strike? Really? Misinformation.
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Only a Union can call a strike. sm - ProUnion Posted: Oct 5th, 2012 - 2:56 pm I've seen lots of posts on these boards recently about strikes.  Please do some research before you risk your jobs.  Only a union can call a strike.  Most of the men in my family belonged to unions over the years, so I've read up a lot.  If you don't believe me, start with the link I've provided and do your own research.  I have to wonder if most of those advocating s ...

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How Would We Get Started With The Service Employees International Union
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x ...

Hey, I Read An Article Somewhere About Virtual Organizing For Union Purposes.
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Medical Transcription At Home To Become A Medical Scribe?
Jan 20, 2015

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