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It's not just MTs who are being cheated... - sm

Posted: Apr 29, 2013

When your boss is stealing your wages...



IC vs employee status debate. - check it out

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Embedded in this article, paragraph 5 under the section "Who Gets Cheated?," there is a link to another web site that sheds light on the Economic Reality Test (Fair Labor Standards Act) used by the Department of Labor to determine whether or not you are an employee or IC.

If your hours are defined, you are not IC. - not stupid

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I see a lot of employers on the job seekers board trying to slip this one by.

Also, I think that, if they are not supplying equipment, they are treading pretty close to the IC line. Huh - I should have to pay to work?

An IC signs a CONTRACT, and that's when they must work - Maggie May

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If you sign a contract to work from 3-11, that's when you must work. You can't just work anytime you feel like it just because you are an IC. That's what the CONTRACT is for. So yes, IC workers CAN be required to work certain days/hours, it all depends on what you agree to in your contract. You are free to not sign the contract if you do not want to work the hours they are looking for.
If a contract has stated hours, then they need an employee. - An IC most definitely can make their own hours. s
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Right in the article it states:

Does the employer provide training and tell workers how they want work done?

Contractors set their own hours and decide how to do their work.

As an IC, I can use whatever kind of computer I want, whatever kind of expander I want, and I can type on my roof or the moon at any hour of the day. That's my choice. I am my own boss.

If a company is looking for "coverage" for certain hours of certain days, then they are looking for employees, not ICs. Misclassification is rampid and I don't care what the contract states that some "company" out there wants to to try to put forth, an IC makes their own hours. As a matter of fact, I should be giving the MTSO and/or company my contract for them to sign offering my services to them. They are after all my client. I can work for as many "clients" and/or MTSOs/companies I choose to do business with as well. That's part of being an IC. I am not their employee. They cannot have it both ways.

incorrect - nm

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Exactly true. An employer hiring employees should - supply ALL the equipment. sm

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They should also be reimbursing you for internet, electric, and offering you an allowance for desks and chairs to do your work.

Some employees have company-owned vehicles, a uniform allowance, and free lunches for staff meetings, seminars, continuing education classes, etc.

This is an outstanding article. Everything it - talks about describes MT. (s/m)

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The fact that it isn't limited to MT might work in our favor. Most people don't even know MT exists, so can't be very outraged about it. And many people refuse to feel any empathy for at-home workers who are cheated.

However, the fact that it's happening everywhere, at many levels, even managerial, means there is a lot more here for America to be ticked off about. Maybe someday the problem will be addressed and at least partially corrected.

Of course, I doubt this will benefit those in the MT business in time, or even if ever. MT is so well swept under the rug and hidden from the naked eye. As a person looking to get out of MT ASAP, it's disheartening to realize that no matter what you train to do, and even if you hit lower management ranks, you still stand a high likelihood of being cheated by your next, and next, and next boss.

The more I think about this problem, the more I look at lots of small, cash-only gigs as the way to go, and possibly the wave of the future. Screw these greedy companies. And shame on ALL of them.

supplemental cash-only gigs - the way to go

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What I have done is find a way to tolerate the MT job such that I can qualify for health benefits, and then I take care of dogs and work as a dog walker "off grid." In my community, there is a need for this. So you look around in your community to see what the needs are and start working to serve those. This can also give you some very satisying face-to-face human interaction.

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