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IC scheduling - Jen

Posted: Jun 14, 2012

I know there has been a lot of debate on this before, but if anyone knows the real answer to this, I would really appreciate it. I was just hired as an independent contractor. Stupid me...went to the "interview" this morning and forgot half the things I wanted to ask so I've emailed the CEO there for clarification, mainly regarding scheduling. Lucky for me, I haven't officially given my notice at my other job yet.  I am unclear as to the hours they expect me to work. But what I'm wondering is, can't I make my own schedule as an independent contractor? Or do I have to adhere to their schedule? I heard that on some of their accounts, they make people work up to 16 hours a day to keep up with the workload. I am very fast and I can get my lines/income in wayyy less time than that. I would prefer to work 6-8 hours a day. Anything over that and I'm not going to be too productive anyway. So can I tell her what I will work or do I have to go by what she says I must work?

Schedule - icmt

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First, no one can *make* you work 16 hours, be serious.

Second, when you are putting yourself out there as an IC, you are a VENDOR. so you've chosen to sell your services to a middle man rather than contract with a client directly. The middle man (MTSO) can say, "I have work available for you from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m." You, as an IC, can accept that or not. If you do, you will be expected to show up at the time you agreed upon. If you don't, then know they have the right to then choose not to use you as a vendor.

Companies that are being true in hiring vendors (ICs) will tell you here's the work, I need it back at xx o'clock. If you can do it in 2 hours and it's done, great. If it takes you 8 great.

Hmmm - Jen

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Well here's what I know so far. A friend of mine used to work for this company and was the only typist on a certain hospital account. She was required to work 16 or more hours per day just to keep up with that workload. One of the ladies in the office today told me they start early because one account wants it done first thing in the a.m. but she doesn't finish til 9 p.m. and anything done after that "waits til the next day". So let's say that's still a 12-hour day. As far as taxes, they won't be withholding mine. I know there are so many variables. It's crazy trying to sort it all out.

"typist" ?? - whoa

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c'mon - that is not the point - 1mt
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As an IC they cannot tell you exact hours to work. Generally they will ask you what time period you would like to work, but you will be expected to work during the time you say you are going to. They certainly cannot make you work 16 hours a day and if they are giving you so much work that you cannot complete it in whatever amt of hours you agreed upon then you need to talk to them about it. Whatever you're hired for, find out how many lines they expect you to produce every day. But if they cannot provide you the work within you're agreed upon work hours, then you need to talk to them.

the only way - icmt

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that I would even CONSIDER putting in hours like that is if there were no middle man and I was being paid the whole billed amount. So unless he's paying you 12+ cpl, IMO, you'd be better off passing on the job. I get annoyed at MTSOs like this, because they abdicate responsibility for the account and just collect the check.
IC vs employee - Alice
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IMHO, with that type of work load and those extended hours, they are misclassifying you as an IC. How can you be an IC and be required to work even 8 hours a day for one company, much less 12-16 hours? It sounds like they want your undivided attention and don't expect you to have other "clients." By calling you an IC they are avoiding not only the 7% part of your income tax that would be paid by an employer, but also the overtime. What a scam.

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