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I wish that some of these inconsiderate idiots who - wannie

Posted: Jan 22, 2010

call themselves physicians had to listen to each other's dictation and try to transcribe it.  I have had just about nothing since 6 a.m. but ESL and/or Americans who are inconsiderate and have no business calling themselves doctors.  Just needed to vent.  Mornings like this make working cleaning toilets look pretty good!!!

Reply - Alice

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I hear you and I agree with you. This very problem has made an almost enjoyable job a frequent total pain in the neck.

If you work for an MTSO with accounts such as the one that you described, in my opinion, it is likely the contact person at the MTSO's client who gets the biggest prize for being the real inconsiderate idiot. You see, these docs are likely clueless, as far as I can tell, and rarely ask questions. It is only after they have received proper training and feedback, including QA and grading of their dictations, that we can truly KNOW that they are the ones to blame for the mess of dictations that we receive from them.

On the other hand, if the HIM directors or managers would care enough to train and confront the dictators, treating them like real human beings and not Gods, maybe we would not have to put up with such stuff.

In fact, there might actually be some accounts where the HIM people DO train and provide feedback to the dictators; I applaud those most considerate people. They actually do exist in some places. Those are the ones who make for good accounts that I occasionally have had the good luck to find.

Oh yeah - Fingers

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The company where I used to work said they were going to have HIPAA compliance personnel (their own ofcourse) in place regarding transcription as well as dictation. I never heard if that actually came to pass. Wish all the companies were actually required to do that. Just imagine - I mean really imagine - the worst dictators you've heard. I honestly believe they would probably try to pull the license of some that I have heard. We would look like the geniuses then, wouldn't we.

That would be the day!! - Alice

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You mean, actually doing QA on the docs? We can hope.

Truly, I think the HIM directors are chicken to confront the doctors, and the MTSOs are chicken to confront the facilities. Heaven forbid that anyone would risk losing an account for standing up to docs or facilities in order to make our jobs easier!!

Btw, I'm over 55, still working on building up my eBay business, learning network marketing and writing a murder mystery. Anyway, I won't be in this business much longer, at least not full-time, but I am still interested in its future. I still say that we are all like a "guild" and need to stick together. Because, whatever one of us does with regards to our job, our client, or whatever, does affect us all in the long run. From what I can tell, no company thinks very long or hard about the individual MT, but considers us a collective entity and stereotyping is the name of their game.

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