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Hanging it up - Marg

Posted: May 20, 2013

May, 2013.  Well girls, guys, I am hanging it up.  Probably past time to do it.  There is a little bit of bitterness, relief, melancholy, and a tiny bit of fear.  As old as I am, I used transcription memory as a gauge for dementia, Alzheimer's, etc.  I have had carpal tunnel both hands, surgery on one, plantar fasciitis, and venous stasis both legs.  I have used probably two main chairs these 43 years.  They always fit my expanding behind.  I loved the fact that I learned something new nearly every day.  I was never bored until this past year, when I was doing editing.  I might mention, if you are considering having surgery for the carpal tunnel, I had it many years ago and I do have arthritis in the surgery hand pretty bad now.  Just thought I would mention it, it does not happen to everyone. 

I have retired from two hospitals, the first one a teaching hospital.  I will tell you this, I do miss true medical transcription.  I thought it would/could never be taken over by a computer.  Now QA is watching us correct that computer.  To me it is the equivalent to pecking out transcription with your nose, hands tied behind your back.  I believe, I truly believe, if they want it done correctly they should leave it up to us.  How many of us would hear the word "parenthesis" and type out "bull flatus".  Well, that is what the computer heard. 

I can say this, I have had the most amazing supervisors anyone ever could possibly have.  They have been the most supportive "bosses" and my last supervisor was my friend for most all those 43 years.  She is probably my hero, even though she is younger than I am.  She bends with the wind and adjusts her sails to every action that is thrown her way.  I'm just tired of adjusting, tired of the changes and as you can see, it is time. 

I wish all of you all the luck in the world and hope you new transcriptionists/editors love your profession as much as I did.


Hanging it up - Tammie

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I love being an MT and have been for about 18 years now. I have been fortunate, no carpel tunnel, thank goodnes for ergo keyboard. I will probably hang in and go down typing. May your retirement from MT lead to new and exciting interests. Best to you.

Good luck to you! - Leaving too

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Marg - Old Pro

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Congratulations and best wishes to you. Your post was so poignant it made me cry, it really did. You sound like one of those truly wonderful "old school" transcriptionists I knew and loved. I wish you health and happiness. Enjoy yourself, no matter what else you do. You will be amazed how wonderful it feels not to have to pound the keyboard 40 hours a week. I loved MT, too, but am starting to love other things (recreational things) just as much. I hope that you enjoy whatever is up next for you.

"Bull flatus" is probably the BEST description I've - ever seen of what this job has become. Good luck!

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